- Vacation: 这是最常用的说法,指离开工作或学习的休息时间。例如,"I'm going on vacation next week." (我下周要休假。)
- Trip (旅程): "Trip" 指的是一次旅行, 通常包含目的地和相关活动。“I went on the trip to Europe last year” (我去年去了趟欧洲
- Holiday: 指法定的公共假日,例如圣诞节和新年等等:"It will be a National day holiday after next week!" (后天一个国民性法定节假日) . 有时候也可以指休闲的假期, 通常和 vacation 语法接近. 用法范围较更广但是有时候可能需要根据上下文自行判断." This time can allow us have a splendid hoilday on sea!" (现在时机太好了可以在海岸休闲完美放松的度过)
- Other words could be also used : travel ,getaway. Both word also describes leaving for pleasure and relaxing 例句:我去爬山进行一次休闲式旅行。 I am gonna enjoy travel by go and Hike. (注意表达方式可以根据自身的习惯去更改适合你自己的版本,句子表达方法) 例句:我准备找个避世宁静的地方来轻松一下下. I ready I make a quiet beautiful getaway. (同样的句子按照自身的理解写句中更加有活力,更加令人赞同而且易于让人们接受)
- Business trip: 商务差旅
- Family vacation: 家庭度假
- Weekend getaway: 假日小憩
- examples sentence you could try your selves (I did not find a suitable samples because many people does not even remember clearly the exact ways this work sometimes).
- Plan holiday: Holidays' schedule , to schedule/ Plan/arrange a holiday (假期规划)
Q: vacation 和 holiday 有什么区别?
A: vacation 通常指个人休息的时间,而 holiday 通常指法定的节日或公共假日休息的时间。两者有交叉、重叠的地方!
Q: 如何在邮件或信件中提及其它的休息时间或者计划?
A You would used different form for instance :"Dear Mr XXX, This summer is quite hard work to continue a lot more to do to give better business to this month, so could possible if possible i like require request two weeks summer annual holiday, appreciate you help regarding it, looking onward hearing possible from back!" (表达注意区分和灵活修改,适合自身情况)
Q: 如何描述自己度过了个怎样的 假期 ?
A: I had a wonderful vacation/(holiday!) / I love traveling and a fun time in nature is good .
(这只是一个简单的例子,你可以根据具体的 vacation 来作词. )