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如何拒绝别人 英语作文?高情商英语拒绝术:从此告别被胁迫!




1. 表达感谢: 开始语句表达对对方好意或者邀请的欣赏感激。 例如:Thank you so much for asking/the invite/,I really appreciate...(非常感谢你的邀请/提问,我真的很欣赏....)

2. 给出简短解释: 提供简单自然的理由,不必解释太多细节。切记,你不需寻求对方的谅解和同意你的拒绝是毋庸置疑合理的充分的! 例如: I'm not quite available on Saturday,I have other commitments. Saturday’s tight / unavailable / booked / already arrange/engaged; (本周六那天,我没有时间,我有其他的安排),(我的周六没空,已经另有安排,)。或I'm quite busy lately (最近很忙)!

3. 提出替代方案(选择题):如不行说明了原因提供可选的替代比如 I can'n make your party this Saturdaay but maybe nex星期t week (这个周末不行参加我的宴你聚 但是我们可以约下一周). Alternatively... (或者说....)or ... Instead instead 如果可以...的话可以这么干. Alternatively maybe let meet a differnt day ,I'll update yu on Friday ; We can reschedule this, (我们可以改日。) 你应该学会灵活变换句子以及如何利用关联词与其他的功能从句以及逻辑联系词汇!

例句运用以上所有技巧的完美举例:(完美地将所有拒绝技能发挥了出来):) Thankso so much inviting to your barbecue party- the invtation did seem quite appealing and thanks anyway , sincerely! My schedule really really packed these following couple of month . Although such arrangement makes extremely grateful you understand completely for some reason or under circumstance; I have important arrangements on during those timeframe.

Therefore , truly ap preoccupied with meeting various and multitude commitments, but really hope have such fortunate opportuniyto share this moment sometime in the future; Perhaps later down road(谢谢你盛情邀约,我已获知悉很激动很欣喜感激不尽 衷心感谢!)


以下列出一些可在真实环境下应用在不同语境的情景下 优雅得拒绝他人英语表达方法


  • I'm afraid I'm not available then. (恐怕那时我没有时间。)
  • I appreciate the invitation/offer, but I have to decline I wold love to ; but sorry my current plan already fulfilled every possible time scheduled slots ;(非常感谢邀请;我已经尽完了这个时间内的一切安排日程), I don‘t thinnk I could make it this event /(我实在没法去做你的事了。)。Thank you , but ....(谢谢你了.....但我… )

非常客观的表示方式和方法 以及合理的拒绝借口, 语言组织方面,我们用不同的句式,词汇,表达技巧尽可能灵活采用去更润物细无声


Thanks invitation again to my presentation my research result on upcoming national academic conference ,I need take into deeper consideratin this idea due certain circumstances . But do hope next year this confernce and maybe it work in end?(十分多谢再一次在来临的一些全国院系会议邀请到参与学术简阅介绍研究项目),


Unfortunately due unforeseen factors outside my capacity for controlling which are not likely controllable (很遗憾,因为外界意想不到的不可控因素....) We understand situation therefore we find alternate routes, but currently difficult fulfill all necessary requirement. It is advisable reschedule that unless better propose feasible method, however let hope our efforts successful! (理解这状态并寻求迂回战略);

We should avoid disappointing each parties stakeholders therefore , carefully review every single detail to maximize possibility of win -win , otherwise maybe there will such conflict of goal ...(我们既是为了 避免给所有不同方面利益持有方造成极大冲击失望); We’ll stay within range set prior and adjust if needed.. If anything does come up unexpectedly; I’d let already promptly !!(如有非常紧急要及时通知到 )



A1:保持轻松自然的体态语言,礼貌地结束对话即可,不需过于解释。 如果不熟练掌握,最好 事先生练一下相关英语表达! 事前准备好充分考虑好所有语言细化的方案预选;可以确保尽量避免尴尬情形的发生 ,保持清晰思路保证英语对话顺利执行确保目标语言输出清晰简洁! 避免说太多的多余不中听的东西避免冲突!!


A2:坚定重申你的意愿(再次阐明理由可适当考虑加入额外有力的更具吸引力因素让 对方对结果不执着)!


A3、恰当地英文沟通对交流过程良好展开非常重要 ;选择委婉而合情合理的语句并适时候加入鼓励性积极态度语句或说法 有好沟通良好影响可以。当然具体看不同背景 不同的人和群体及其个人认知体系.

總體而言, 通过仔细琢磨 和对不同语句情话 和修辞运用及其技巧灵活搭配掌握 会改善沟通效果以及维护你和他人关系, 并会成为一个很擅于与人交流并且能成功掌握和运用有效实用英文语言!

记住,有技巧的英语沟通不仅仅只是字面的含义, 更关乎到说话场合 环境心理预期以及和言语礼貌等内容表达方面和 技能层面. 通过在日常生活中多 加注意去体会这些技巧来增加自己的英语学习丰富度 及灵活提高 自己技能, 让所有一切更易于掌握.

