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一、 展现你的个人经历:起跑线是如何炼成的


例子1: “I started running two years ago because my doctor advised me to lose weight. Initially, I could only run for five minutes without stopping. I remember feeling incredibly winded and frustrated.”

例子2: “It all began with my friend’s unexpected invitation to a morning 5k run last April when I could just walk a comfortable couple of Km during lunchtime around the office blocks! But the overwhelming feeling of comradeship upon completion of race that April dawn left its powerful footprint on my psyche.”


例子3: “My first 10K race, though excruciating pain during running across one entire urban lane block, stands amongst my proudest moments. Finishing in 9th position among so many strong lady marathon compe***s, has left an unforgettable imprint...”"

这些经历要与你的情感描述紧密结合,体现跑步对你情绪和心理的影响. 你的用词展现了你感受过程中的态度。(例如:frustrated痛苦失望 ;exhilarated兴奋;triumphant 胜利)


用英语描写运动给你带来的好处对提升语言表达也很棒。 注意要结合细节,切忌概括泛泛而谈 (比如千万不能用:Its good for fitness only!”这种空洞说法)!

例子4: “Running helps increase strength in both body and spirit! I feel great fitness gains, reducing previous pain suffered for more than many numerous decades… I’m capable physical stamina I haven’t previously explored” 因为这个例子过于强调改善情况了;这里要考虑更具体化。比如你可以细节化讲述那些提升例如减少肚子脂肪等!


  • 生理提升: 更强壮的体能。"Running has significantly improved my cardiovascular health, and as my stamina improved gradually for the numerous weekly training durations that started to go increasingly past forty plus runs I started easily overcoming exhaustion quicker than imagined."
  • 心理好处: “Reduces stress” and "helps improve concentration “ 是太过普世的说法 具体化:跑步让我的心境更平和,“The rhythmic pounding of my feet gives peace of mind I previously hadn’t recognized before embarking on various courses to accomplish”. 你跑完步之后的愉悦感可以用轻松有趣的英语描写 (“I feel a surge of euphoria after each run.”).



例5:I will improve from running five km comfortably within this years’ Christmas duration. In a hopeful future I hope be competing in marathons and challenge to other athletic challenges more ambitious that I dared to accomplish during my late twenties. By focusing less on completing races in top time but by having enjoyable journeys within every ongoing runs”

这里你需要说明你的目标或者期待;或者你要提升那些可以改进之处?更长距离(long range),挑战自我的想法(self-motivation)。展现了对将来的热情跟期望!


Q1: 我英语作文水平不好,表达不了我的意思。怎么办?

A1: 保持真实和简单即可开始动工完成一些短内容创作!运用简短易掌握的日常英语句组以构成基础内容为优先安排.逐步的提升英语语法能力和词汇累积与你水平提升。请不要气馁;这过程需要一步步练习,查字典以熟悉各种生词新词以完成你的创造性文章过程..尝试多进行阅读或收听到了提高自我的感觉,以增值你创造过程,你必然受益多多,并且乐于其中!

Q2: 如何让作文更有吸引力?加词儿即可提高写作水平了!

A2: 你用亲身经历,突出你的真心体怀和强烈情感描述与体现便已经非常好的开始;请保持真挚的态度创作便能达到很好效果;无需复杂的词汇!

Q3: 我的跑步经历不多,该怎么写?

A3:你可以稍微调整中心思想来描述跑步对你的精神影响或者描述理想中对这项运动的心绪以及希望展望对长期未来影响及相关细节之处.不限于你自身完成过的部分。重点用具体表达方法叙说出你的情感和具体故事即可呈现.不要夸 đại或使用并不符合逻辑语言词语结构等等形式的语言障碍对自身来说也极可能造成的无益之效!

记住用简单的英语语句,表达丰富的细节内容,更重要的则是真情实感,你会写出一篇很棒的英语作文! 保持真诚很重要!比使用过多炫丽或者夸大的词汇更有效达成读者的关注点并引起他们的共鸣,让他们有真实感受! 这对於提高英文英语创作更有效更值得持续练习改进为目标!

