国庆节我做了很多事,用英语来说,我 *visited family, travelled, and enjoyed some celebratory feasts!* 以下是我具体做了什么,以及一些相关的英语表达:
国庆假期对于我来说意义重大。今年我的主要活动围绕着家庭和出行展开(This year, my Golden Week activities revolved around family and travel)。我首先回到家乡探望我的祖父母(I started by visiting my grandparents in my hometown.)。 我们一起共进了丰盛美味的午餐(We enjoyed a delicious celebratory lunch),吃了很多传统的节日菜肴 (We indulged in many traditional holiday dishes)。 和爷爷奶奶聊天,用英语说了很多关于美国最近事情的事情。(I spent quality time with them chatting using English and even discussing latest news from from the US!).
接下来我去了一个临近山的风景区。(Then, I had a short trip to a scenic mountain area nearby. ) 我拍摄到超级漂亮秋景(I took gorgeous shots of autumn), 山上的空气特别清新(And marvelled at the great, crisp mountain air). 英语练习上, 我用英语记录下了整个游览行程(For my English practice -I actively narrated some scenery highlights that stood out).
晚上还观看了场电影(In the evenings I was indulging upon another big cultural festival like movie night. watching movie.. etc),那部英语爱情电影讲了一个非常感人的故事 I particularly enjoyed how a *** British-based rom-com told a very impactful love and understanding story with a modern twist.(我看了一部英国的浪漫爱情喜剧电影,讲述了一个非常打动人的爱情故事。 I spent my remaining Golden week by going into intensive reading, learning advanced techniques like writing blogs articles and speeches)
总而言之,这个国庆长假让我受益良多!(All in all, this Golden Week has greatly benefitted my wellbeing.)我不仅享受了与家人和朋友交流的美好 (not too many but spent my time using new phrases or terms in day-to-day conversations.) ,增长了词汇和句型( expanding my vocab by absorbing English through media), 更通过英语将中国的文化(culture from China)、历史分享和传播了出去(and disseminating local happenings globally – through various platform available). I'd even learn some creative aspects too! Learning from a new perspective... overall such enjoyable and enriching Golden-week-period. 祝大家国庆快乐! (Happy National Holiday everyone!)