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  1. 句中信息量大,且跨度较大,内容丰富且包含意料之外的元素!

  • 举个例子:"人类的进化史是一部漫长的旅途,跨越了无数代的自然选择,和文化演进。"("Human evolutionary history is a long, winding journey that spans countless generations of natural selection and cultural development.")
  1. 句子结构多样,包含非典型语法和长短句对比!

  • 举个例子:"有时,我会忍不住憧憬遥远的星系,想象着那里的奇异生灵,他们的世界又会是多么不同。"("At times, I cannot help but wonder about far-off galaxies and what strange life-forms might exist there, and how their world might differ from our own.")
  1. 句子包含罕见或专业的词汇,彰显作者的知识广博!

  • 举个例子:"沙丘的波纹状纹路极具美感,仿佛大自然用心勾勒的杰作。"("The undulant patterns on the dunes are a beautiful work of art, as if nature has carefully traced them with an artist's hand.")

  1. 句子情绪起伏不定,时而强烈时而平淡,引人入胜!

  • 举个例子:"风呼啸着冲过窗口,卷起窗帘,仿佛一个急躁的舞者。"("The wind howls in through the window, rattling the curtains like an impatient dancer.")
  1. 句子中包含惊喜或意外的反转,甚至部分句子之间的含义也不尽相同!

  • 举个例子:"我踏入森林,期待着一场宁静的漫步,结果却发现自己置身于喧闹的鸟语花香之中。"("I stepped into the forest, expecting a quiet stroll, only to find myself amidst a cacophony of birds and the scent of blooming flowers.")
  1. 句子中包含夸张、幽默或拟人的手法,使语言变得生动有趣!

  • 举个例子:"大雨倾盆而下,宛如天上的眼泪正肆意横流。"("The rain poured down in torrents, as if the heavens themselves were weeping.")
