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Long, long ago, there lived a little girl,her name was Rosie.


But everyone called her Little Red Riding Hood and that was because she wore her favorite red riding cloak every day.


“Hello!” Little Red Riding Hood lived with her parents in a small house near the woods.


“Here, bunny. Here, here.”


At the other end of the woods lived Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother. She lived alone in a small cottage.


One morning, Little Red Riding Hood decided she wanted to visit her grandmother, so she asked her mother for permission.


“Mother, may I go to meet grandma? She hasn’t been well. I want to cheer her up.”


“Yes, you may, Little Riding Hood. I’ll give you some goo***s for grandma too.”


“But you must be careful on the way. And you must not wander in the woods or talk to strangers.”


“Don’t worry, mother. I’ll be careful.”


Little Red Riding Hood’s mother put some goo***s in a basket and gave the basket to Little Riding Hood.


“This basket is for your grandma, it’s full of her favorite things. Please give it to her and remember what I said.”


“You must be careful on the way. And you must not wander or talk to strangers.”


“I’ll remember, Mother. Goodbye.” And so Little Red Riding Hood left for her grandmother’s house.


It was bright and sunny that morning and Little Red Riding Hood was enjoying walking through the woods.


On the way, she spotted some beautiful flowers. “Oh! Look at those flowers!”


“They’re grandma’s favorite color! They’ll surely cheer her up. I should pick some for her.”


So Little Riding Hood wandered into the woods to pick flowers.


While Little Red Riding Hood was picking the flowers, a wolf came by, He stopped when he saw Little Red Riding Hood.


As he watched her, a wicked thought crossed his mind. “Mmm, that little girl looks delicious! She will be mine.”


The wolf went up to Little Red Riding Hood and spoke to her in his friendliest voice.


“Hello, little girl! Look at those nice goo***s in your basket and those flowers you’re picking are so pretty. Are they for your mother?”


Little Red Riding Hood was so busy picking the flowers that she forgot she wasn’t supposed to talk to strangers.


“No, they aren’t for my mother. They are for my grandmother. I’m going to visit her.”


“Oh! Your grandmother? Does she live nearby?”


“Yes! She lives in a cottage on the other side of the woods.”

“是的! 她住在树林另一头的一间小屋里。”


