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historic 历史上著名的,有历史意义的

英文释义:being historic means being famous or important in history.

例:This historic photo was taken a long time ago.这张具有历史意义的照片拍摄于很久之前。


decade 十年;a decade means ten years.

例:I've been working here for a decade.

attempt 努力,尝试;to attempt means to try to do something.

固定句式:“attempt to do something”or “attempt something”

例:He attempted to make a change.

situation 处境,情况,形势;a situation means a set of things that are happening at a certain time and place.

固定句式:“in a good/bad/difficult situation”表示处于某种处境之中

常用语:“win-win situation”双赢的局面

