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夏天做什么?用英语表达很简单! 你可以说 "What to do in summer?" 如果你已经计划好了,可以用 "My summer plan is..." 来描述你的夏日计划。 接下来,我们详细聊聊各种夏日活动的英语表达!


户外活动 (Outdoor Activities):

  • 游泳 (Swimming): "I love swimming in the ocean/pool." "Let's go swimming!"
  • 晒日光浴 (Sunbathing): "I'm going to lie on the beach and sunbathe." 也可以用 "get a tan" 表示晒日光浴以获得小麦色肌肤.
  • 远足 (Hiking): "We're planning a hiking trip in the mountains."
  • 野营 (Camping): "My family and I are going camping this weekend."
  • 骑自行车 (Cycling/Biking): "I enjoy cycling along the coastal road."
  • 冲浪 (Surfing): "We spent many an enjoyable (often sunny) hours attempting to surf." 学习冲浪则可以说: I 'm learning to take some surf instruction.
  • 划皮划艇/划独木舟 (Kayaking/Canoeing): "Kayaking down the rapids can quite exhilarating (极其令人兴奋).” 划独木舟适合family outings (家庭出行), 我们尽情地说: My family planned a delightful / wonderful kayaking / canoeing outing.
  • 进行水上运动 (Doing water sports): A general heading underwhich various specific terms e.g wake -boarding or jet-skiing might be covered, 可以用来代替说”We played sport in the seawater”, sounds more casual.

室内活动 (Indoor Activities):

  • 看电影 (Watching movies): Let's watch a new movie this Tuesday evening.
  • 读书 (Reading): My next challenge is to make quick progress or read in the shadow." “Summer for summer holiday Reading is absolutely the best”
  • 玩游戏 (Playing games): 我用iPad玩游戏 say "I played games on my iPad the entire morning!" My brothers and s started to make a challenge in games to entertain ourselves under heavy rainy day!”
  • 学一项新技能 (Learning a new skill): "I'm learning to play the piano this summer."

与朋友/家人一起 (With Friends/Family):

  • 和朋友一起出去玩 (Hanging out with friends): "I'm going to hang out with my friends at the mall."
  • 举办烧烤派对 (Having a barbecue): "We're invited to a back garden family barbeque.” (informal) “ I´m going some dinner with friends tonight."
  • 家庭度假
 (Going in summer Holidays): "My next Summer trip probably be ***” / "We enjoyed very special holiday as we traveled Italy this summer.”

这些只是一些例子,你可以根据自己的情况来表达你的夏日计划和活动。记住要使用适当的时态,比如现在进行时(“I’m swimming”)或将来进行时(“I’m going to swim”)。 Enjoy your summer! 祝你有个愉快的夏天!

