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第一步是选择你想要展现的过年哪个方面。你是想介绍传统的节日活动?还是想侧重于你个人对节日的感受?不同角度决定了文章的侧重点 例如:

  • Angle 1: Traditional Activities: 你可以介绍贴春联 (pasting Spring Festival couplets),放鞭炮 (setting off firecrackers),拜年 (paying New Year's calls),舞龙舞狮 (lion and dragon dances)。详细描述这些活动的步骤和人们的参与方式!
  • Angle 2: Delicious Food: 重点介绍春节食品,例如饺子(dumplings)、汤圆(tangyuan),年糕(nian gao)。 描述它们的形态口感以及文化象征意义.比如饺子形似元宝 symbolize wealth!



  • 具体的感受: 例如,"When I bit into a juicy dumpling filled...", 或者“The vibrant colors of the decorations filling my grandparents’家were dazzling”!
  • 真实的例子: “我的奶奶会在除夕夜亲手为我们包饺子。( My grandma makes dumplings for us on New Year’s Eve.)”, “新年第一天, 我们全家一起去寺庙祈福。(On the first day of Chinese New Year, my whole family visited the nearby ancient pagoda in prayer.)”!
  • 文化的细节: “春联上的吉祥话语为新年增添了喜庆; 红灯笼代表我们对来年的祝福与美好的期待,”例如,“ Auspicious sayings from Chun Lian enhance festivities; red lanterns symbolise expectationsfor a bright future and blessings upon the new year



例如: firstly, secondly, therefore, in addition, consequently, moreover等。 开头可用开场白; such as:“ The festive Chinese New Year is significant time for family, cultural unity,” or,“ Chinese New Year,” one of the central worldwide’s joyous holidays." 文章主体可以用总分法,总结性结论可体现出独特个人感想!


正标题:My Family's Sweet & Sour Time at Chinese New Year/Spring Festivel

片段示例1 (活动) focus —past the verb use the positive sentence. We visit relatives who give us lucky presents. We dance fire drag performances outside while eating snack . Also Family enjoy many fantastic dishes we enjoy while viewing the fireworks performances

例子2:(情感)pasting Verb the main theme : Feelings & Emotions during that Time “The roar of the fireworks made my pulse shoot upwards, then after I felt incredibly tranquil. While seeing new hope during celebration My relative’s delighted, happy reunion touched,my happiness. "


Q1: 我英语不太好,可以写关于过年的作文吗?

A1: 完全可以!你可以用简单的词汇和句子来描述过年的经历; 保持结构和表达尽可能清晰简单 。不必过度追求语言华丽,保证内容真实感人即可.多阅读例文也对学习思路提升助力许多!。

Q2: 春节作文要写多长?

A2: 这个没有限制,文章的长短应该取决于你的内容,并非句子长度决定内容优劣;一般来说,一篇中级的英语作文至少要有150-再根据写作基础有所累进. 字数

Q3: 可以写一些和传统习俗不同的过年方式吗?’‘

A3: 当然可以; 正因为具有多样化的细节,表达也会更多一些; 只要如实描写你的 pengalaman过年过程并注意语言生动; 一款丰富饱满内容即可

小贴士: 记得提前构思写作大纲,检查拼写语句和时态语法问题在写作完成后更显重要; 一篇成功优质例文也离不错的修改过程密切不可分, 不容许出错的小地方值得被注意到避免出错. 写后多和人商量阅读意见会获得不错的进步! 祝您写作顺利,!

