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“望眼欲穿” 即是包含“望眼”的成语!


“望眼欲穿” describes an intense anticipation, frequently for someone's return or arrival,causing one to eagerly stare endlessly with anxiety or expectation. It literally means one's eyes stretch and want to be pierced through. This idiom emphasizes the extreme longing feelings during the long wait.


词语解释: 望眼:长时间地、焦急地注视着; 欲穿:好像想要穿透一样!


  1. 远方游子的父母在期盼着归来的身影,日日望眼欲穿。 This depicts the scenario wherein a mother and a father intently and anxiously await for their son working overseas to comeback. The prolonged waiting deepned their sense of loss for their son with increasing anxieties every passing days.

  2. 比赛结果迟迟不出,队员们都望眼欲穿地等着。 Here, expectant contestants expectantly stare impatiently, eager to the finals declared . Uncertainty breeds anxieties, further increasing feelings of expectation until release .

  3. 他盼望这本书已经望眼欲穿了。 This illustrates someone’s deep waiting for book patiently. It highlight's not just that he’s been wait for for long but in this state , his yearning and hope to read the treasured greatly deepened. The anticipation become intense feelings due to increased time lapse of the object arrival.


与“望眼欲穿”意思有一些相似,但程度和侧重点略有不同的成语包括:盼望、期盼、翘首以待。 “翘首以待”侧重于抬头张望; “盼望”和“期盼”侧重于心理活动;而“望眼欲穿”则更强调等待时间的漫长和期待的心情十分急切,眼眸直放待的状态。焦急到眼睛都快要看穿远处一样的极度期待!


问: “望眼欲穿”的近义词是什么?

答:常用的近义词有:翘首以待、期盼、盼望、急不可待等。 但“望眼欲穿”更突显出 “等待久及着急的心情";

问: “望眼欲穿”可以用于什么场合?

答:凡是表达人们极度关注期待某件事或对象的句子中,都可以运用“望眼欲穿”, 通常是充满期待 ,紧张而又焦急场合 较为常见且有针对性. 多出现在亲人分别、长期等待结果、及重要日子即将来到来场景!

