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母亲节做什么?英语作文怎么写? 本文提供思路、例句和范文,教你轻松完成母亲节主题英语作文!

一、主题选择:Show, Don't Tel


  • 一个难忘的回忆(A memorable memory): 例如,你可以描述童年的一次特殊经历,比如一次和妈妈一起烘焙烘焙饼干的经历,并展现制作过程中的细节,与妈妈相互帮助的场景,和最终共享成果时你的感受;或者 描述一次你和母亲一起参加的有趣的活动,细致展现活动中的细节与感受!

english Last summer, Mom and I baked cookies together. We carefully measured flour and sugar. Mom showed me how to roll out the dough. We laughed as we shaped the cookies. Eating the warm, chocolate-chip cookies brought my big smile

  • 母亲的品质(Mom's qualities): 不必写大道理,选择一个具体的品质,例如你妈妈的善良、耐心、勤劳,并用具体的例子进行说明,展现出母亲性格特点背后的故事。例如:

english My mom is patient. When I was learning to ride a bike, I constantly fell which would cause frustration and anger. Yet Mom patiently help me to recover from falls and help me slowly reach my goals on her constant guidance and support through the difficulties. It really warmed my heart to know when difficulties arise my dear mom is at my service with a huge supporting heart toward me

  • 对你最有意义的礼物(The most meaningful present): 不要空泛地说你送了什么礼物,应该更侧重礼物的意义及其背后的故事,体现出你的用心与独创性与情感:例如亲自制作的母亲节贺卡、亲手种的花或者一起动手DIY编制的一些礼物

english I made a handmade card for my mom this year. I drew a picture of her face on some beautiful crafting paper I worked so diligently searching for and wrote her a poem explaining I expressed my appreciation within every words I selected; from every strokes I made that shows clearly me heart is all about her because my whole thought on heart for whom I would select those materials that expressed myself dearly is her beloved Mother . She really loved. this very memorable heartwarming memory in Mother's lovely heart as warm words are ever best expressions and touching her beloved's ever-loving maternal sentiments. For what this particular handmade precious memory really represents love that has lasted thus till this particular momentous unforgettable endearing precious gift for mothers. I love seeing happy smiles and her ever supportive heart. Words that expressed from my dear mom always inspire. To know what truly motivates and drives her with deep affection as warm as ever maternal love deeply appreciated more by mothers than other precious gift ever more. That is what truly values

  • 你对母亲的感恩(Your gratitude to your mom): 不必空泛说谢谢,尝试说出背后具体的理由,表达情感更加真诚。 例如


I’m grateful for my mother's endlessly constant great love during my lifetime's journey. It’s a type of a wonderful support I am not capable to express completely , but i am really deeply thankful. She taught valuable crucial wisdom such valuable lessons which changed my life outlook.


一篇优秀的英语作文通常包含以下三个主要部分, 务必清楚明确地表达!

  • Introduction(引言): 简短介绍核心意思
  • Body Paragraphs(主体段落): 根据确定的主题展开描述. 使用例句,体现母亲节你所做过的事情 (行为主体和及物做的事情)
  • Conclusion(结尾): 总结你的感受和对母亲的爱意


力求句式简单易懂, 使用具体形象的语言增加效果。选择你熟悉的单词进行书写,不要使用高级词来逞能 .

四、范文参考 (参考但不限于,根据自己体会):


I made a Mother's Day breakfast for my amazing mum. I woke early to freshly prepare French pastries while the smell of fresh coffee started wafting into the small kitchen counter top that where pastries were made under the gentle heat. She loved the breakfast as my love as made her emotional. She hugs me before heading to our everyday duties while at our busy morning; that is very heartwarming that our family spent a quality time. My mom means the whole world toward to me as i give the flowers too the most amazing supportive mother i ever wish for. This Mother’s Day is definitely very touching especially when I remember growing experience for these several years where my mother and I shared many loving happy memories. It makes me cherish those treasured moments more deeply


通过以上的指导,希望同学们能轻松地完成一篇表达真挚情感的母亲节英语作文! Happy Mother's Day!

