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  • 引言(Introduction): 简洁概括你想介绍的主旨,例如介绍你将要描述的待客活动。例如,你可以写:"This essay will describe how I hosted a dinner party for my friends."This essay focuses on the principles of good hospitality, particularly in the context of caring for overnight guests.


    • 这次活动中重点是什么(example: A family gathering?) "I recently hosted a family get together to..."
    • 介绍活动的核心思想 ( example: how this demonstrated importance to intercultural communications) "Hosting international students highlighted the need, through understanding differences..."
  • 主体(Body): 这是文章的核心部分,详细描述整个过程,例如如何准备食物和饮料,如何与宾客互动等。需提供步骤和动作细节,采用简洁的句式。不要包含无实际内涵的词。尽量展示过程细节.

    建议可以使用一些常用的过渡词,例如:first(首先);next(然后);after that(之后);finally(最后)。 例如: 你能清晰概述一下准备细节: "First and Second ..."。在与客人物语上加入细微动作形容 (例如:"Warmly greeting my guests upon entrance")能展现人情味,避免呆板。 为了更好,记住利用多种句式结构展现不同的文风例如 :简单句配合复杂句 举例:“First, I prepared a welcome drink;next we cleaned-up the environment…” 接下来描写详细过程!

  • 结论(Conclusion): 对整篇文章进行总结概述也可以对未来的交流有想法 。 例如:"This particular visit taught the virtue of cross-country guest entertainment”.(翻译内容:接待这一访谈揭露了跨国招待客人的美徳。)


选择贴切精准的词汇非常关键。“热情”(warm) VS "热情洋溢的 (enthusiastically)" 就是极小的差异


  • Not so good: 
I tried to keep the dinner good using everything possible . 
* Excellent writing : "To cater this large dinner I shopped for a lot (quantifiable)" “ I Prepared ingre***nts in advance."

生动的描写和细节展示 - 感官体验!

  • 善用描述性修听声音( sounds –" the bubbling cauldron"), 景象("scenic panorama")
及触觉与味觉等感官刺激: “Guests excitedly exclaimed ...after experiencing these local foods."

  • 例如 : 
"The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled my kitchen; the melodic murmur across a quiet evening indicated guests satisfaction ”.


细节描写真实增强真实感.不单单只写过程.描写你的食物外观跟味道,"delicious and mouthwating...".



礼仪: 英语中描述 “Good hospitality" 指的包含:

–主动提供帮助,(Help offering assistance) – 提供周全的食物及饮料 (Offer food/bevarage and comfortable seating- "Guest rest")

– 体贴对方的需要 
(Showing consideration towards their interests)。 –主动保持和对方互动沟通 ( Engage with engaging communications)

举措: –主动提供路线/地图 (Prepare guiding roads to avoid frustration; Maps)   –主动帮客人收拾行李、衣物 (help taking heavy bags, organizing and carrying it for all guest..)

– 主动安排时间活动 ( arrange outing, entertainment, etc
–注意宾客的饮水及食物 needs during eating (Offering beverage refills)   -注意他们的身心状态
 (Checking up whether they felt uncomfortable through physical gestures –" looking tense")

例如:   *"Recognizing my foreign guest did not get jetlag yet exhausted, we proceeded in resting quietly". (Recognising my visitors seemed tiring/exhaussed from their transit, ...)


问: 如何润色我的语言使得待客过程更加流畅 ?

答: 多阅读高分英语作文,模仿优秀语料中使用的句式及词汇,通过使用各种连接,转换 词和词组改进其语流,保证结构清晰紧密

问: 如何展示我的英语实力以及我良好的待客风度? 

答: 运用合适的句式,生词与过渡,并且用你的个性去填充情感。准确地通过言语细节展示自己的处世态度

问:如果我写的例子不太好该如何避免尴尬或者不适的感觉. 答:尝试从简单常见的案例入手,不必找过于特殊的或者复杂的情况,可以使用轻松轻松的语句来缓释一些小困境

总而言之,写作精彩的English Essay 要务实同时讲究效率、逻辑、细微之处同时展现自己的特色。熟能生巧通过持续精进写作能力. 祝你取得更高的成功. !

