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+"This is the author's evaluation of Hemingway's work the old man and the sea. Life itself is an endless pursuit. It is a long road, difficult and full of ups and downs, but as long as he We are indomitable courage and confidence to meet the challenge, he will always be the real winner.



By reading this book, I learned how to be a humble and honest person, do not like roses, so proud of what to do to help others, do not work hard, and finally nothing. 通过读这本书,我懂得了做人要做一个谦虚诚实的人,不要象玫瑰花那样骄傲,做什么事情都要让别人帮忙,自己不去努力做事,最后一事无成。

Jane. Love living in a parents, sponsor, grew up under the environment of treatment with peers, aunt abandon, cousin contempt, cousin insults and beating of a child…

this is the dignity of the ruthletrample, but perhaps because it all, Jane. Love and faith of infinite indomitable spirit, a kind of inner personality can win.

In rochester, she never because he is a teacher and the family status meanness, but that they feel inferior is equal. Should not because she is a servant, but not respected by others. Also because of her integrity, noble and pure heart, no pollution, secular society for the shock, and rochester her as a spiritual and equality in the conversation, and slowly and deeply in love with her.

Jane eyre itself to us is a kind of simplified, is a fanpiaoguizhen, is a kind of pursuit of whole heart feeling, is a kind of simplified feelings and neglected, it is like a cup of water, purify every reader's heart, also cause readers, especially female readers

