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Mulan (412 years - 502 years), the story of Mulan spread so far, the ancient Chinese heroes, loyalty filial piety, on behalf of the father defeated the invasion of the nation and spread through the ages, the Tang Dynasty emperor chase as "Xiaolie general."

Mulan story of the spread, should be attributed to the "Mulan" this folk song, but Mulan's surname, place of origin, history books are not sure.

Mulan is a variety of literary and artistic works by the performance of the film, drama, opera and opera.


1、 外貌描述(Appearance):

   - He had piercing blue eyes that seemed to gaze right through you.

   - She was a petite woman with long, flowing auburn hair that cascaded down her back.

2、 性格特征(Personality Traits):

   - Mike was known for his unwavering courage and quick wit in the face of danger.

   - Her kindness shone like a beacon, *** her the heart of the community.

3、 行为举止(Behaviors):

   - He walked with a confident stride, his head held high as if he owned the world.

   - In every conversation, she listened more than she spoke, absorbing the wisdom of others.

4、 情绪状态(Emotional State):

   - The weight of his past mistakes haunted him, casting a shadow over his usually cheerful demeanor.

   - Her eyes sparkled with joy as she talked about her dreams for the future.

5、 发展变化(Development or Change):

   - Over time, his naivety transformed into a hard-earned wisdom that guided his choices.

   - The once timid girl blossomed into a fierce advocate for justice, her voice now echoing in the halls of power.

6、 与他人的关系(Relationships with Others):

   - Their bond was unbreakable, as they stood shoulder to shoulder through thick and thin.

   - His rivalry with Jack was legendary, each pushing the other to greater heights in their competitive pursuits.

