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一、 如何写出精彩的关于健康的英语作文结尾:总结性结尾

写关于健康的英语作文,结尾部分可千万别掉以轻心!结尾得好,才能给阅卷老师留下深刻印象,拿到高分。最常见的结尾方式就是总结性结尾,简单直接,清晰明了。 你可以概括全文的核心论点,再次强调健康的重要性,或者点明你想要传达的主要信息!


比如,如果你的作文是关于均衡饮食对健康的益处,结尾可以这样写: In conclusion, maintaining a balanced ***t is crucial for a healthy lifestyle. By consuming a variety of nutritious foods, we can boost our immunity, enhance our energy levels, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Remember, healthy eating is an investment in your future well-being. 看到了吗?简明扼要,又强化了主题。



例如,如果你讨论了运动的益处,结尾可以这样写:Let's all pledge to incorporate more physical activity into our daily routines. Even small changes, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, can make a big difference. Let's prioritize our health and build a healthier, happier future for ourselves and our communities! 是不是很带感? 记住,你的呼吁要真诚,有说服力!


想要你的作文结尾更上一层楼?尝试升华主题! 不要只是简单的总结,而是要将你的论点放在更广阔的背景下进行思考,表达出更深层次的意义!

你可以将健康与幸福、成功等更宏大的概念联系起来。 例如,你可以说:Ultimately, prioritizing our physical and mental well-being isn't just about living longer; it's about living a more fulfilling and meaningful life. 看到没?结尾部分不仅总结了文章内容,还升华了主题,给人以启迪!



比如,你可以引用“A sound mind in a sound body.”(健康的身心)之类的经典名言,点明你的中心思想。但是一定要确保你理解这句名言的含义,并能够将其与你的文章内容完美结合。 关于健康的英语作文结尾怎么写?这可是个技术活!

五、 高分范文示例:关于健康的英语作文结尾(饮食健康)


In conclusion, adopting a healthy ***t is not a fleeting trend but a lifestyle choice that impacts every aspect of our well-being. By embracing mindful eating habits and selecting nutrient-rich foods, we pave the way for a healthier, happier, and more energetic life. Remember, what we eat profoundly shapes who we are and how we live. Let's prioritize our ***tary choices, taking active steps towards nourishing both our bo***s and our spirits.

我的感悟是:写作文结尾就像写一封信,最后的结尾要恰到好处地表达出你的心意,让人回味无穷。别忘了在写作文之前好好构思,确保你的结尾与文章的整体风格和论点一致,这样才能写出令人印象深刻的好文章。 切忌为了追求华丽的辞藻而忽略了文章的逻辑性和连贯性!

