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暑假英文怎么表达?不止“My Summer Vacation”!!

是不是一到暑假就陷入无限循环的“玩手机-刷剧-吃外卖”?还幻想着去海边晒太阳、去草原策马奔腾,却因为种种原因只能宅家“咸鱼”? 想要在朋友圈炫耀你的暑假生活,但“My Summer Vacation”也太普通了吧?别急,今天就来解锁更地道、更具个性的英文表达!



1. 简洁直白:

  • “My Summer Vacation” - 这确实是基础款表达,不过完全可以用在简单的自我介绍中,例如:

    "Hi everyone! My summer vacation was amazing! I went to the beach and relaxed. What about you?"

2. 添加细节,描述具体经历:

  • “My Summer Holiday Life” - 比“Vacation”更能表达“整个暑假”的含义,还能用来描述丰富多彩的生活。

    “My summer holiday life was super exciting! I spent a week camping with friends, learned to surf, and even took a road trip to the mountains. It was the best summer ever!”

3. 更有层次的描述:

  • “My Summer Experiences” - 更具“个人经历”的感觉,能突出你的暑假经历的独特性和深刻程度。

    "My summer experiences were transformative. I volunteered at a local animal shelter, which opened my eyes to animal welfare and taught me the importance of compassion. It was a challenging yet rewarding experience."

4. 更加正式的表达:

  • “My Summer Activities” - 适用于分享你在暑假参加的各种活动,例如:

    “My summer activities were mostly focused on my academic pursuits. I took some online courses to enhance my coding skills, participated in a science project, and volunteered at the local library.”


  • “My Summer Adventures”: 体现了你暑假充满冒险和新鲜感的经历!
  • "My Summer of [关键词]":比如 “My Summer of Exploration”,“My Summer of Discovery”,“My Summer of Creativity”,突出你夏天的主题和关键词!


常见问答 (FAQ):


"I'm going on a summer trip to [目的地] next month! I'm really looking forward to [你期待的事,例如:exploring the local culture, trying the local cuisine, going on an adventure]."

Q:怎么用英语表达 “过得开心” 的意思?

“I had a great time/ I enjoyed myself/ I had a blast.”

Q:怎么用英语表达“暑假结束了” 的意思?

"Summer vacation is over :( / Summer break is coming to an end."

现在,你准备好用英文分享你的暑假生活了吗? 或许,你还可以在评论区分享你最难忘的暑假经历,与大家交流学习,开启更多精彩话题!

