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如何用英语简单介绍你的弟弟?你可以说:This is my brother, [弟弟的名字].



  • 介绍你的弟弟和年龄: "This is my brother, Peter. He's 22 years old and just graduated from university, then got some job." (My brother John, is quite reserved around stranger and may prefer watching video clip than chatting with anybody!) (我的弟弟很慢热, 或许更喜欢看视频而不是谈天)!
  • 提供关键信息: “Allow me to introduce my youngest brother Jack, an accomplished pianist in that university level (high expertise pianist/ excellent tennis participant)". (My elder brother, Richard, has always followed my paths. My brother Steven decided to focus himself after this major competition.) (优秀的大学运动员, 我哥哥是那个)。 可以进一步展现人物特点或者说能力!You can mention his profession, hobbies, or notable achievements and major achievements based on which to illustrate their attributes or personalities or hobbies! You can say those statements.



  • 简单介绍: “This is my brother, Tom – a brilliant kid.“(或者,This is David, he just turn age into 12. ”)
  • 添加一些趣味性的细节或者互动性的描述方式: 像下面这样的表达就会使得你的语言有感染力度 "Hey meet up Mark he’s always *** things or cracking terrible jokers but good people anyway. And then introduce your Brother in short.",“Meet my brother, He’s a joker, always pulling hilarious pranks!” 然后以轻柔可爱的语调来诉说就更有生活感 !
  • 注 : 在非正式介绍之后常常可以添加一个和对方的自我打招呼并简略阐述弟弟个性 to enable quick further interactions! The conversational strategies applied will help the listener gain better understandings of him easily too in quick amount of seconds without effort on you yet you still being capable for generating long descriptions/narrations if demanded through a gradual exchange process later

另外呢 ! 可以选择介绍弟弟最值得炫耀的是性格上的哪些特别或才华与本事 , 例如, 他的体积之庞大令他获得无数羡慕眼神,甚至他还具备特殊技能 ,例如 , 乐队技法或任何其他人很难能找到的个人专属绝活儿 。记住把弟兄之间有趣的往事前因后果分享给其他人分享乐趣哟 !!(当然要在对方问起的才行哈 ,哈哈 ^_^ ~~

三、 添加细节增强介绍效果 Let’s make their brother impressionative to listen up or keep their talks! To do this Let's add details that can make you brothers profile more fascinating :


“This is my brother Alex. One who possesses amazing abilities for solving difficult mathematical problem” / “Hello there! Mike is talented singer! His voice and talent could completely turn table around anytime!” 。还可以表达性格细节比如说, He's very competitive.(他是极度有天赋的小鬼 ! 你敢相信他?) / Sometimes quiet, can laugh out when funny events unfold around himself without prior announcement too!; he can really become good friends after brief moment conversations without too many details spoken until fully matured friendship building later into ages.


Q: 如何用英语描述不同性格的弟弟?

  • 外向: Outgoing, extroverted, sociable
  • 内向: Shy, introverted, reserved
  • 调皮: Mischievous, playful, spirited (my little brother Daniel) , 他和蔼有耐心 , 从不动手 , 他真的总是对哥哥非常好 !!!( My baby brother Michael shows a great kindness!)
  • 认真: Serious, earnest, responsible

Q: 我该不该提到弟弟的缺点?例如缺点: My funny or clever boy Ben has difficulties for adjusting his timing during competitions/ he’ have his habits which often makes people laughs/ a poor organizer for tasks however talented boy too

除非对方特别想知道, 且该情况属于你们双方都有可能产生直接的利益冲突需要解决 , 或者说是那种很必须知道其性格内幕后 ,才应该提到这些细节, 这样对于你以及兄弟双方便更好些 ——当然也可能对方自己察觉的呀!

Q: 称呼有哪些可以选择?

Besides “brother“, you can alternatively utilize phrases such as younger/elderbrother , my bro, kid/ little bro , depending appropriately on varying relationship contexts for conversational flexibility

Remember to adjust your language to suit the contextand your relationship with the listener ! Good luck!

我希望我的建议可以帮助那些拥有有趣且让人叹为观止弟弟或弟弟或弟妹妹们更好的跟对方分享关于家中兄弟的事 , 加油啦 ! 祝你们用英文介绍朋友的顺利哦 :)

