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英语作文 如何推雪人?教你轻松搞定英语作文:神奇的滚雪人!



第一步:先得有一些冰雪!你需要描述雪的类型,是用什么样的工具去收集。例如:"We found fluffy snowflakes on the snowy playground. With my friend Henry, we packed much of the snowflakes and rolled with all my energy to a gigantic snowball " ,你可以描述你看到雪和选择堆雪人的地点(场景),比如: "On Christmas, there was a light shining snow all everywhere. My house's surroundings was cover by much snow, I was so eager to build it!!"!

接下来重点描写堆雪人具体操作阶段 可以利用一些动词突出过程。 例如: "We rolled the smaller snow lumps repeatedly to became a little bigger , *** some adjustments from one side to the other for an optimized circle." ,或者 ”We packed the accumulated snow then we sculpted the entire surface smoothing down its contour as best we can“ 你还要分别提及怎么做出雪人的身子 、头(和其他配件)。(使用例子,最好每个阶段都给例子。 可以自己添加描述比如使用什么工具辅助,感受是怎样的)

举例说明 : "First, to form body of a snow doll to work like mad. We pack very firmly all snowflakes to compress the first body layer until becoming hard balls (about ⅔ our height) “


然后是你的雪人长什么样!想象一个你的雪人,重点是要用更精确的形容词或形容性从句去突出你的雪人和别人的不一样. 举例说明: " My precious snowball head was placed directly sitting over my colossal , well molded cylindrical body!. A long orange carrots were perfectly sticked right for a cute snout shaped precisely like nose(use a tool and it works!)。With my brother skillfully painting a happy eye above mouth at its cheeks then decorating carefully in line."

你也可以添加它装饰的特点:"Adding some twigs and stones that we collected before; decorating hat. *** arms by placing the branch" 你还能描写它的总体造型 例如 :" Standing straight , a smiling expression shining , My lovely snowball standing proudly amidst our little community proudly !" 总的来说这一part 主要围绕描写和比喻运用。 需要更多具体的描写细节例如颜色 形状的大小等等,通过形容词,以及对比描写烘托主题!

尾声:你的感受 或者一个故事发生

完成雪人的创作后的感觉是什么?和朋友一起多么让人开心啊! 你可以用感官描述或者其他的例子,或者用一个小小的关于你对你雪人心情的陈述。例如"The joyful laughters surround the construction area full joy , building that snowball with friends creates an lasting cheerful memories "。 也可以添加其他人物细节. 或用雪人的活动描写,例如,他被太阳晒化之类的。"I called him Frosty after the construction the sun rising slowly began thaw it down..It broke his hearty But at last before that happen to he fully did !" 使用细节描写制造更有意境的画面,提升阅读兴趣!



答:可以用 advanced vocabulary. 例如: instead of saying"big", you write " enormous ", also, we don't commonly apply synonyms such a "gig antic," unless very fitly contextual, therefore write it if suits. To make improvement write actively, choosing more evocative imagery which helps describing the scene. In essence: Use descriptors better evoking snowman shape(appearance); e., add size detail(weight / tall/ size diameter...), colour or emotion with the snowball; such details, like shiny ,soft (add adjectives, which convey texture) can be good helpings while enriching imagery. Avoid bland adjectives- write stronger verbs(build -->construct; adorn--decorate, etc.) to create picture more vividly written


答: Ensure you do exercise supervision and teach children precaution methods, before beginning construction of snowy figures: Don't enter unfamiliar terrain without *** accompanying care since its danger; wear warmly, prevent snow burn (snow has power burn effect by prolonged exposure if temperature very bitterly windy); finally ensure having adequate break during the whole process . Safety precaution matters more!

