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一、选择合适的主题(Topic Selection)


  • budgeting and its benefits:你可以叙述自己如何有效分配每月资金,例如:列出必须花销再根据剩余资金分配休闲娱乐,从而解释坚持预算对其理财的利好作用,通过具体数字展现你实施预算方案并最终的成功省钱的效果说明如何 budgeting and improve your money managing 的经验。 例如:“I allocated $50 for groceries、$30 for transportation each weeks, strictly avoided impulse buys.” (我每周分配50美元买菜20、30美金用于交通,避免冲动消费)
  • saving for a goal: 你目标是什么?大学学费?一台新手机?通过规划以及每月省下来的实际钱数做佐证来体现如何 saving for a significant purchase,对未来投资的规划;举例:“ I saved $50 a month until attaining the extra fees after two years.”(两年时间节省五百美元支付课外)
  • smart shopping tips and tricks (cutting daily costs): 告诉读者你如何巧妙地购物省钱比如抓住折扣、比较价格等等:“By diligently browsing online shops and waiting for end-of-season sales; Comparing two or more stores' prices ensure I always enjoy low buying prices while obtaining optimal commodities,saving the maximum amount”!

二、详述每个方面(Detailing Your Points)


  • 实例要具体化 (be specific): 而像“I spent almost only 30 pounds that month including necessities, including utilities etc in my accommodation.” 就比" I try to spend less", 信息密度远远大于一个单字。你需要说明一些事情到底是你花了,花了多少钱 (money spent)、或者多少花费你省下了(money saved。)避免类似I sometimes economized等这样的朦胧语句; 用具体数值,例如:" By preparing home cooked-lunches rather opting consuming external restaurants, thus monthly spend fell sharply approximately a range of nearly ¥50 or even above”.(用可信度、有佐证的方式说明自己的事实省下来的钱数).

  • 使用过渡词将要点串联起来。(Using transition) words: 使用词 phrase linking up every specific supporting factor to build your sentences' cohesiveness. 例如运用 "for instance"、"for example" 与 also 或 additionally。能够使语句子具有结构性、条理性

三、语言润色及表达 (Polishing your Language):

  • 精 简 表 達: 多用一些简单的日常使用短语代替长而累贅的表达 (Avoid Using long long long phrasing). 多运用精准型用詞
    • 错误示例:"In pursuing reducing expenses which directly benefit my daily expenditure”, “I made many significant economic changes” 应修改为“To reduce my expenses and ultimately spending, I created habits…”。 准确表意。同时文章句式可以活用主动词,让叙述流畅感更上一层楼。“ My parents decided to reduce my amount of spending each weekend” (x): “Spending limit for the particular week are created by my dear father ”.


  • 问题:我的英语不好,怎么写英语作文? 答案: 写作之前仔细构思文章结构和要点;多运用简单的句子,从自身角度简单陈诉!

  • 问题:我想多学习几个英语词汇能加强英语作文描述方面的功用效果? 答案 可以寻找英文有关这个主题相关的题材内容积累英文的相关短语例如:"cut cost”, “keep budget and spending,”,“reduce/ minimize personal living spending”“economical/ saving / budget- friendly”"affordable cost living"!

  • 问题:如何评判一篇有关Saving money 的作文写的怎么样? 考察重点:(一)文章结构紧不紧凑清晰。 (二)英语单 句结构是不是错误。(第三)看一看文章主题是不是贯彻全文都阐述了你的核心论点了,有没有跑题呢等等

Remember, the key is to showcase your ideas clearly and practically. Start writing, then practicing your revision abilities! 勤 动 心 得 真 才 学 会 最 好,开始下筆、多练习、不断修正才能写出合格作品!

