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如何用英文写一篇关于踢足球的作文?简单来说,你需要清晰描述踢足球的动作、技巧以及足球带给你的感受。 你需要运用准确的足球术语和合适的动词来展现你想表达的内容!

一、描述踢球的基本动作 (Describing Basic Moves)

你可以从简单的动作入手,比如传球(passing)、射门(shooting)、运球(dribbling)、防守(tackling)。 你可以用清晰准确的动宾结构的句子描述每个动作!

  • Passing: He passed the ball accurately to his teammate. The player used a strong inside-of-the-foot pass. She sent a lobbed Pass to the attacker further to open to free.

  • Shooting: He powerfully shot the ball with the curve towards inside with low to the Ground The right foot kicked the football toward inside on Ground. She scored a goal with a curling shot which inside . He did some amazing acrobatic, curve balls inside toward, close to Goalposts .

  • Dribbling: He dribbled passed tree defenders through to goalposts easily.He ran speedily and powerfully while maintaining absolute control in the crowded defense in opposition.Driboling football and going around others.

  • Tackling: The defender made a good tackle stopping from attacking player . A sliding tackles is frequently observed when the ball is near to defense on field; defender took time taking chance of Sliding toward player with slide in between.  

二、运用恰当的动词和术语 (Using Correct Verbs and Vocabulary)


  • He skillfully controlled, curved,, passed, curved, dribbled the ball passed of many other attacking person close ground around defense position. (Instead of “he kicked the ball.”)

  • The defender swiftly perform slide, toward a foot of a football at speed quickly at defender at attacking part , a clear intention of the tackle was stopping any player who comes further or attacking towards. (这里活用各种动作用描述滑铲细节!)

  • She placed / headed the shot. Use correct past tenses verb to show your action taken happened.

三、加入感情色彩 (Adding Emotional Depth)

优秀的作文不仅需要准确的描述也情感饱满更加可以生动活泼体现感受更深刻感受!文章将以更有吸引更好描述吸引并带来好结果让阅读起来更有欣赏! 通过描写自己比赛时的感受,可以从你的细节让你作文获得更高分 ! 文章通过文字展现比赛时遇到的困境以及队员给你支援鼓励让读者获得深刻反思并共患难 !

写下你赛前的心潮澎湃、比赛中的紧张刺激 (nervous)或放松自信 (relaxed confident; calm nerves)。又可体现队员间的 cooperative synergy synergy , 成功的惊喜与失败的沮丧,以及你从中吸取的一些教训 (conclusion & summarize information by own feelings ; use many examples of personal events which showed).

例如 (for example): I felt an rush a flood overwhelming great excitement pumping up as soon as the final whistle blows(final was called or ended !) then sudden the winning team cheering , yelling celebrating wildly with incredible passion then joyfulness burst into air with enormous feelings then tears came freely all showing that feelings are great! 。This (experiencing, emotions) will increase scores or grade a lots compared without showing any or your thoughts feelings opinions experiences during your competition


Q: 如何选择合适的词汇来描述足球比赛?

A: 选择那些可以用体现力量技巧或精准来动能体现出来的更棒,避免泛泛描写直接形容,应尽量采用专业性的。这包括各种精准的动作词汇(精确运球)技巧、专业动作的形容词和形容词等。(例如,“凌空抽射”、“铲球截抢”, 活用专业动作动词形容词可以获得更多读者体验以及体现作者专业知识!)

Q: 文章的结构如何安排?会体现逻辑顺序性清晰流畅结构会更高分的!需要清楚的!

A: 需要保证良好的条理(logical order). 这意味着应该逻辑呈现清楚,过渡恰当顺畅文章。 这点尤指比赛前的期望情绪状态心理(excited expectations/ emotions/thoughts beforehand)比赛过程中发生的事情赛后得到的感受总结!

Q: 如何提升作文的语言和多样化水平以使读者的更容易理解也使内容更有吸引并生动的提升读者更容易理解感受从而印象更好?多样的话,你的文章语言可以得到更自然更精采更有韵味道体验从而获取到更加更高欣赏效果以及高印象甚至获取更加欣赏 ! 那么读者才会给你点赞评论 !

A: 使用多变句来呈现一个意思(例如简单的陈述句配合一个更有力量感和专业性的叙事来表达更多动作的描述会提升写作水平的,当然也可以在结尾做出个人感悟总结来提升作文。) 当然你可以穿插高级结构表达从而整体展现更加丰富多彩呈现内容会更有感觉 。 别忘了展现出自己的个人想法表达个人风格 以及与众人不样的观点或者对事件本身认知等因素才会更出众吸引读者从而体现文章更高更出色层次! 这也是提高好文章评价关键喔。 通过多样且有画面感的描写让读着的有代入性的阅读体验才让你获得更上一层楼好成就喔!!.

