“Yiyang” (一样) 在中文里表示“一样”或“相同”!
Yiyang 的核心含义:相同
Yiyang (一样) 最核心的意思就是相同,没有区别。我们可以用它来比较两个或多个物体、情况或概念的相同之处!
- 例子1: 这两个苹果一样大。(Zhè liǎng ge píngguǒ yīyàng dà.) This sentence means: These two apples are the same size.
- 例子2: 我的衣服和你的一样。(Wǒ de yīfu hé nǐ de yīyàng.) This sentence means: My clothes are the same as yours.
- 例子3: 他今天的心情和你昨天的一样糟糕。(Tā jīntiān de xīnqíng hé nǐ zuótiān de yīyàng zāogāo.) This sentence translates to: His mood today is as bad as yours yesterday.
虽然基本意思一样是“相同”,但Yiyang (一样)在具体的语句中,可以表达不同的侧重点,略微的细微差别!
我们家有同样的书。(Wǒmen jiā yǒu tóngyàng de shū.)--we own the same amount/kind of book(s). This emphasizes same type of book, implying equality both in number and quality of materials in the example sentence
你和他说得一样多。(Nǐ hé tā shuō de yīyàng duō.) You and him, have said equal words(amount).这句侧重说话次数或句子的数量!
这两张桌子一样高。(Zhè liǎng zhāng zhuōzi yīyàng gāo.)--These two desks are of the same height. 此处突出的两个桌子高度相同!
她的眼睛和你一样好看。(Tā de yǎnjīng hé nǐ yīyàng hǎokàn.) --You both, has those beauty eyes, identical/similarity of your aesthetics look appearance wise to those of yours.本句重在描述眼睛的相貌!
总而言之,“yiyang” (一样) 是一个简单却极其常用的字,理解清晰能够有效帮助你提高中文沟通的能力!