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写春节英语作文,最头疼的就是怎么把年夜饭的盛况用英文表达出来!感觉词穷啊! 光说“delicious”是不是太没创意了? 不如试试这样:


  1. Instead of just "delicious", describe the specific dishes! Think “succulent braised pork belly,” “fragrant dumplings filled with juicy vegetables,” “crispy spring rolls with a sweet and savory dipping sauce.” 越具体越好!
  2. Try using vivid language. For example, you could say the aroma of the dishes filled the house, or that the colours were a feast for the eyes.
  3. Don't forget the atmosphere! Describe the happy chatter of family members, the clinking of chopsticks and glasses. 你甚至可以描绘出年夜饭时每个人脸上洋溢的笑容,这能为你的作文增色不少!


拜年和收红包,这可是春节的核心环节! 但要如何优雅地用英文表达出来呢?别担心,小技巧get起来:

  1. Instead of simply saying "We visited relatives", try “We paid New Year’s calls to our relatives and friends, wishing them a prosperous year ahead." 是不是立刻显得高大上了?
  2. Describing the act of receiving “lucky money” can also be enhanced. Try: “Children received red envelopes containing ‘lucky money’ as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity." 甚至可以具体描述红包的样式和颜色,比如: “The bright red envelopes, decorated with auspicious symbols, held crisp banknotes that made the children giggle with delight.”

春节英语作文: 如何用英文描写春节期间的各种活动?


  • Watch the spectacular fireworks displays. 想想看,用英文描述一下绚烂的烟花是如何绽放在夜空中,那种景象多么壮观!
  • Participate in the exciting lion and dragon dances. 这些传统活动充满活力和喜庆气氛,用英文描写出来也同样精彩!
  • Go temple fair, or play traditional Chinese games. 具体说说玩了什么游戏,例如猜灯谜,放鞭炮,这能让你的作文更有细节感!



  1. 多用地道的英文表达!记住那些常用词语的准确英文说法!
  2. 尽量使用较长的句子。 不要害怕运用各种从句,这样可以让你的文章看起来更高级!
  3. 检查语法和拼写!最后一定要反复检查,避免语法错误!

我记得去年写作文的时候,我为了描写贴春联,费了好大劲才找到合适的英文表达,最后用了“We put up spring couplets on our doors, wishing good luck for the coming year.” 看似简单的句子,其实也蕴含着不少技巧,写出来的效果会大不一样。今年是龙年,希望我的分享能帮到你,写出属于你自己的精彩春节英语作文!

