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英语作文 如何整理房间?英语作文高分秘籍:轻松搞定“整理房间”!!




  1. 开始清理 (Beginning the Clean-up): 你首先需要描述房间的凌乱状态,例如:“ My room was filled with clothes covering the bed, and toys scattered all over the floor”,而不是说简单的“My room isn’t tidy”。要用足够的细节才能把场景交代非常清晰。 This will create background details.
  2. 具体整理 (The Detail): 分步说明清理过程。 例如:First, I cleared all textbooks and put each onto their exact location. Then, I neatly folded all shirts within closets. Similarly followed the tidy rules according this detailed instruction paper we did within the meeting during 2 PM after noon yesterday , I then carefully placed all our books separately; books have titles, other documents including papers with pictures, newspapers and magazines. You might further show what you had learned during different locations/placements: Then, it looks a fantastic location to enjoy better study, etc.). 注意使用简单的词语例如 start/tidy/sort。并且选择合适的过渡词体现细节动作流程例如 firstly then after that finally, therefore, eventually等等等等!

Remember adding sentences for your reflection helps to conclude better For final summarizing and concluding to be well written will show high fluency in writing by the examiner, I use the steps below, thus providing much richer conclusion

  1. 困难与解决 (Problems Encountered:and solution if any and difficulties) :: 有目标的描述遇到的挑战,例如你如何区别垃圾or物品 etc.;What steps are made for example when there are many things around: for organizing this , to complete my whole tasks as I planned effectively For those without solutions that was originally initially planning is not very ideal to happen Therefore, it could even potentially leave poor after conclusion from the examiners to get high standard mark. this paragraph could introduce different possibilities of solutions during situations not going forward accordingly. The reader can see my different thinking style, the logical approaches of tackling and different ways through writing as my method can deal the complex situation efficiently by using ***r and relevant words or to use alternative method better in order achieve maximum result quickly, which reflect efficiency that a student could deal with various challenges under difficulties while achieving high standard writing score

  2. 最终成果 (End Result): 描述最终房间的样子以及自身感受。 使用一些表达词能够清晰说明文章结尾例如, My room is clean. I feel calmer .



  • 清理过程: I started with moving the books, cleaning my cabinet first . ( 动作性的表达比较好用 )
  • 具体排序: By the same, following approach described.I stored toys based by categorized sections by color with labelled cards which make organization easier.(有逻辑和有组织的特点)
  • 困难与挑战: It is difficulty cleaning old documents or identifying what were junk. (挑战的部分说明了你在这个过程中尝试去做什么。)
  • 整理结束/感受: My tidy, well organized room fills me, full confidence and happier.(情感/直观地反馈) For a better studying condition by which then greatly improve my time performance or speed up process and improves my marks even during test or doing homework task later during daily time,etc

以下列举部分其它例子及不同写作角度: 整理床铺( *** the bed.). 分类和整理学习区域清理/整齐打扮 ( Tidying desk & workarea.. Putting closet/dresser clothing neatly/ in their allocated areas accordingly ; dressing room) 排除不需要以及过时以及无需的东西 (removal dispose unused/obsolete material),清洁整理整个地板及墙/表面(Flooring;walls/surfaces cleaning and neatening steps required to make surfaces, look shin better);清除灰尘颗粒或清除( cleaning eliminating dust & particles/spot removal cleaning using different methods of equipment). 分类或堆放可回收产品和塑料盒以便回收(Sorting and stacking all products recycling bins including plastics )..

Remember using transition phase word such a first,second then also helps a student greatly using high impact transitions make improve overall sentence presentation or deliver your details more smoothly without problem! A student could achieve easier flow and logic via this steps therefore improved writing results



Q: 如何增加作文复杂度?

A: 可以通过描述更多的项目数量细节 困难更难及 解决技巧方法 的流程 ,添加情感体验从而更好表明该作文对学生写作功底的提升! It is improved. 增加连接词 transition or addition improve essay structure and understanding , helping build more compelling narrative with details. To produce writing pieces are enjoyable and to impress examiners for its strong structured and clarity level!. This shows your more structured thinking, creativity on ideas during the details and depth in writing. The impact effect become obvious quickly to examiner within an improved reading overall writing ! To highlight these effects helps make improvements

Q: 如何避免文重复累赘?

A: 通过恰当使用 synonyms、调整句式(比如,简单句转变为带从句的)并且简化/避免重复 句子 语句等等 来 减少 repetition in expressing of message efficiently ! Writing concise ! Using appropriate conjunction use improved its quality ,*** readers easier easier grasping your words

Q: 需要包含多少细节? 从整体情况出发根据需要,考虑详细描述 尽可能具体和精准呈现 你写的过程 步骤 并且包含一些情感! 使用多样的单词以及写作方法 这对你能够让 examiners 更加明确 你正在做的一切 ,从而产生正面的看法,从而提升分数效果

By covering these basic methods effectively it greatly enhancing students to perform best in order reach good success outcome using specific steps through organized practices therefore reaching high proficiency level

