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想要用英语写一篇关于聚会的作文?其实很简单! 你只需要遵循清楚的步骤,包含目的,时间,地点,参与者以及活动安排!

确定聚会目的 (Purpose)


  • 例1:生日派对 The party celebrates Emily's 18th birthday. We will have a birthday cake and play games.
  • 例2:节日庆祝 We are hosting Christmas Eve dinner for our college friends. We'll have some festive food and celebrate the holiday season.
  • 例3:休闲聚会It’s merely a gathering of long-time study group friends; conversations would be mainly shared activities concerning stu***s or daily life incidents experienced this week thus celebrating good friendships

选择时间和地点 (Time and Location)

选择日期和时间要考虑客人的具体日程安排。同时地点的选择要保证聚会有空间且可以安全地举行想办的活动。 太小的场地对于大量的参与者会令人感觉不适 。
  • 例子:例如:我们将定于9月8日子夜(or September 8th time specified evening/night depending) 在凯撒大酒店二楼举办毕业庆祝宴会;This graduation celebration takes place on September 8 at the designated timings, evening/night specified. The location chosen will include sufficient seating for 1)Guests who plan to attend as the exact seating or location will support the required number including those expected or additional parties anticipated/ additional guests who have given clear expressions. Also a designated floor such as number 2 is identified (i.e., number two depending) such sufficient space allocation will also consider space for dance floor allocation also provided.)

确定客人名单 (Guest List)

列出你想要邀请的所有人之姓名方便提醒且确定好合适合适的嘉宾人数。确定客人的人数,有助于预计算需准备食材,饮品等等以便后续订购的有效性规划方便订制餐饮及预估其它开销, 例如可以是,如:预计15位访客需要足够的菜肴安排以及充分的座签。同时对于那些因为一些特定的理由或许无法参与的客户需要做好心理工作或者有备份或合适的沟通和了解方式让参与者感受更好的沟通安排确保不会造成邀请冲突或尴尬情形存在,从而影响后续其它工作的有序展开推进并给予更细致一些沟通关怀以及更方便计划实现可行性。 这将提升计划成功率减少差错降低时间浪费并增效率及增强人际互动关系建设

规划活动 (Activities)

根据聚会的意图和参与人数规划开展合适的活动 保持大家都能玩且活跃

  • 例子:一个家庭友人都喜欢的家庭 聚会 可以 有不同的年龄分 组适活动 例若孩子们 有足够的卡通观看 适合他们年龄观看水平及娱乐方式 而针对成年人则一些例如 互动游戏或是桌游或是更多更社交性质 聚会开展的更有特色

撰写和修改(Writing and Revising)

