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简单的说,垃圾分类英语作文需要你描述不同类别的垃圾,以及如何正确处理它们。 作文应该包含不同的垃圾类型、处理方法和环保的重要性!




  • Recyclable Waste 可回收垃圾:

    • Examples: Plastic bottles, glass jars, aluminum cans, newspapers, cardboard boxes. 你可以写明哪些是可回收垃圾(常见塑料瓶、玻璃瓶罐、铝制罐、报纸旧纸盒…),这些常见易回收塑料产品最好举例说明
  • Compostable waste 可堆肥垃圾:

    • Examples: Food scraps, fruit peels, and yard waste like grass clippings. 这里需要注意不同国家的堆肥标准不同,所以重点强调自己地区的标准很重要。 例如咖啡渣、茶叶渣在许多国家可以堆肥。(Coffee grounds and tea bags are compostable in many areas. )
  • General Waste 普通垃圾/生活垃圾/:

    • *This typically includes items 不易回收也无法堆肥。(This commonly includes items which isn’t recyclable.) 例如一次性餐盘,纸巾等等。(Disposable dinner sets, tissues belong to here。)
  • Hazardous Waste 危险垃圾:Batteries, electronic appliances. 像电池这类垃圾最好举例。(Batteries ), broken electronic devices like computers should be appropriately discussed along this line. 需要清楚说明它们是危险垃圾应该如何放置并回收(Clearly indicate steps how they require separate bins and responsible handling/collection):Batteries for recycling or appropriate discard



1. Introduction:开篇点题

以一句话或一个简短的段落点明主题。“This essay will discuss the different types of waste and their proper disposal to promote environmental sustainability”.

2. Body Paragraph 段落主体:分类具体描述


述上面各类的细节 ,注意描述清楚处理方式(How to 处理这些分别类目),举例(举例方法多样丰富)等. 写的时候,每段集中在一个垃圾种类上; 可以具体详细描述每个垃圾该如何处理。(Example: 可采用详细步骤展示或者图示解说。You are free to use any graphics as assistant teaching methodology to vividly emphasize main points). 多列垃圾举例并加以解说,并总结各占比例(Proportion to be illustrated graphically through a histogram, e.g. A pie chart shows distribution)

例如,针对 “recyclable waste”,你写一下它由哪些常见的材料组成;针对“Hazardous waste”,写为什么需要分别收集并专人处理,例如电池的回收有国家规范等等...!

Each Paragraph needs explicit illustrative Examples mentioned in its corresponding disposal steps

3. Conclusion:总结升华

重申环保与分类的意义。写下垃圾分类减少环境污染对于我们日常的工作(such items found at home in particular; to clarify waste generation level is needed)

( You can conclude to highlight benefits associated both individual and community such reductions as emission、land clearance、reducing disposal costs in order both environmental protecting goals alongside civic-minded attitude )

请谨遵上面结构步骤。避免不规整. 每段只论述要点避免拖沓字数可参考官方长度


Q: 我的作文需要多长?

A: 这取决于你的要求,一般来说,几百字便可涵盖所有的内容了!

Q: 我可以用图片做例证吗?

A: 你当然可以使用图片,它比纯文字更吸引人,更形象。(As far illustrating relevant details through images might serve more powerful means communication so feel use those wisely if allowed, it depends also topic scope constraints/requirement dictates in task setting criteria; however, too much imagery use would be detrimental clarity hence appropriate balancing between texts with relevant is essential here!) 。当然还是要说明对应的图示对应的功能细节(You can demonstrate and further articulate the visual illustrations at ease once chosen ) (It strongly depends your individual situations whether that would fit better your current requirements, the above mentioned tips should resolve concerns easily anyway.)

举例: 一个垃圾填埋场图片,就可以很好诠释如果没有垃圾分类, 环境将如何受到污染,同时你的语言就能减少部分叙述分担此篇幅 。

(Pictures might illustrate certain types wastes at locations like “a landfill”, which further amplify and strengthens how badly untreated waste piles will harm environ if there absence sustainable mechanisms. In essence the visuals reduce required paragraph length while enhancing effectiveness content)

This further clarifies your text more concretely demonstrates consequences without too detailed writing which saves length

Q: 如果我不清楚所有类型的垃圾名称该如何处理呢? Check recycling department

A: 首先检索一下你地区的垃圾管理部门的具体要求 (Start with official resource local authorities might post) . 如果你仍有不确定的地方 可直接咨询他们的部门 hotline。 It aids to understanding classification accurately along with details involved each recycling type, helps overcome difficulty writing accurately detailed procedures involved waste disposal thus enhancing confidence composition


