如何用英文介绍暑假?简单来说,突出重点活动,使用简洁明了的语言,多用现在完成时 (present perfect tense)!
介绍暑假,首先要交代时间(When), 地点(Where), 以及都做过哪些活动(What)。 这三要素构成了你暑假介绍的基本框架!
例子1: (简单版)
- Time: I spent my summer in June (这需要根据具体事实更正) (时间)
- Place: home town . My activities revolved around family. (在家)(地点) <Active : I finished some long assignments to study something before the next semester start. Reading and Watching shows.。I had to read 20 Novels for Summer Assignment and stu***d for TOEFL Test Prep. ( 活动)*
例子2: (复杂版)
- Time: "From the morning (Month) , I spent the holidays in Shenzhen.*
- Place: We attended camp, and all over a part of Fujian then spent the remaining portion holiday doing work there" 活动, 旅游目的地: Xiamen, Fujian Providence (福建)
一定要写这些核心因素和事件 这里也只需要包含时间 地点 活动的基本构成信息,内容中描述你旅游的一些地点也是很必要的
别只用go, visit, see这些简单的同义反复词! 尝试使用更生动的动词,例如:explored, discovered, hiked, climbed, participated, tasted, experienced ,learned 等。记住你的暑假有多奇妙。记住你需要通过你的介绍充分展现出
- 示例: instead of “I went to the beach,” try “I lounged on the sun-drowned beach...” or “I felt the breeze, and I enjoyed lying out all-day on this wide expanse of sands, to rest for quite a considerable amount a long times" instead of just repeating short sentences that include almost equivalent synonymous wording
为了在暑假里获得丰富活动和体验,用不同的相关且能够准确呈现事实性动词在写作时很重要 例如 instead of use short repeated statements (like multiple synonyms usage) and similar statements and sentences like repetitive wordings like in the sentence: "I saw ( multiple occurrences such as saw-observed observed...) the bird during the trip; multiple words all refer to similar activities that aren´t necessary to repeat all the detail; this becomes unnecessary repetitive, wordy, complex , sentences this sentence; I simply avoid word repetitions during writing instead try use vivid adjectives" to increase understanding ability; make more easily understandable with increased vocabulary levels rather than unnecessary complexity using repeated similar wording that's verbose but non concise. To reduce words like short words and concise writing and to add vivid language into work instead *** go I try use better wording more effective wordings add more details help easily convey info but keep easily processed so people who are doing evaluation not think of writing it complicated or confused because easily comprehensived
因为叙述的是已完成的事情 , 所以现在完成时(Present Perfect Tense)是主要的时态。但你也可以适当用到过去时 (Past *** Tense),描述具体的事件细节!
- "I have visited the Acroplis", I swam and was near these dolphins for two trips. Use many tenses because you wish want many points within holiday: you can choose for any combination; most frequent/suitable will suffice well" (正确运用现在完成进行时、进行时 举例) To complete, in summariza summary you completed multiple vacation adventures successfully. (结尾用这个,概算这些内容会更让人更容易记住重点和理解这整的内容;避免过多修音修辞,直接切进主题能更有效果
别忘了运用形容词和副词来烘画气氛,使你的描述更丰富多彩 用丰富的细节展示,让你的文字“活”起来。.
用更加多的 detail 使更容易更加传神。试着更细节更充分地描 更加丰富.增加可读有趣程度能得到更加轻松的表达
Q&A: 如何介绍英文暑假常见问题
Q1: 我只待在家没怎么出去,该如何介绍?
A1 不要绝望;诚信,简明地描述你在家居环境做的所有事儿!
Q2: 如何恰当地突出兴趣与能力?
A2 这取决于上下文。你在一个新的学校环境?你的项目计划?通过这个机会展现新的活动或才华!选择你的动机原因表达对这种暑假方式,并运用你的创造力! 尽可能多描述所遇到的经历! (记得强调这些重要事情)
Q3: 我的英文水平一般,会写得很差吗?先开始构思?最好多读相关范文。
A3 不要怕! 从简短的句子中展开到完整一段落的思路! 先构思轮廓;细节慢慢加;语法不要为了过于的求精美而变得扭曲与不自然,这样只会破坏行家的语言美感与你的表达,并且需要精调才行.记住简单的越好!
提醒: 请保证你的介绍真实客观的反映实际内容. 通过真诚打动你的听众与读者更关键. 不要夸张与过度装点自己与旅行过程!多修改并从其他人角度来看你这段简语是否容易被读懂