想知道 “如何植树”用英语怎么说?简单来说,你可以说 "How to plant a tree"。但这只是最基本的表达,要完整地表达植树过程的英语,还需要学习更多相关词汇和句型!
二、 基本词汇:认识植树的每一个步骤
- tree: 树
- sapling: 树苗
- shovel: 铁锹
- soil: 土壤
- hole: 洞
- roots: 根
- trunk: 树干
- branches: 树枝
- water: 水
- plant: 种植
- dig: 挖
- fill: 填满
- cover: 覆盖
例如: “I’ll dig a hole for the sapling before planting it.(我会在种树苗之前先挖个坑)”
- Dig a hole: 挖坑( 例: I dug a deep hole for the large oak tree. 我为那棵大橡树挖了一个很深的坑。 )
- Place the roots: 放入树根 (例: Gently place the roots in the hole careful not to damage. 小心轻放树根,不要弄坏了。 )
- Fill the hole: 填满坑 ( 例: Use suitable soil to fill up the hole..用合适的土壤填满洞。)
- Water sufficiently: 适当浇水。(例子: After planting the sapling I poured and enough water immediately I had planted .我栽好树苗以后马上给浇了很多水。)
- Mulch Around tree : 土壤覆盖在树干周圍( 例: Remember To mulching can protect seedling.记住,覆盖土壤可以保护苗木免受土壤流失。)
你可以将以上几个步骤用英语串联起来描述整个植树过程, 例如:
"First, dig a hole large enough to accommodate the tree's roots. Then, carefully placed and spread the planting tree roots evenly, filling around them with well-mixed potting, ensuring soil does all-out and prevent the leaves or root ball . Then carefully packed and the filling of gaps well between the dirt, while pouring all of water through into the top of surface filling. Then covering firmly with soil so that it becomes as same and same level to original soil level *** mulch the layer with about 2 - 3inch covering around that for keeping proper moistured in the soil . Last,Don’t forget water regularly during the sapling early period grow. "
四、 进阶表达:更专业、更丰富的描述
- 使用更多动词:例如 instead of plant, you could use “establish”,“set”,plant carefully into” 等,更加精确的描写不同的处理细节 和种植动作
- 使用关联词:例如 first, then, next 或者 finally 等词让描述步骤更清晰. 使用一些专业的关于 土壤成分以及适合树木种植 的专业术语
Q1: 如何用英语表达“选择适当的树苗”?
A1: You should choose a healthy sapling, appropriate to your environment's condition, you can choose some fast-growng such as Eucalyptus(桉树).This one easy grow even with small quantity of maintainence . Otherwise choosing slowly grow , longlive plant will take quite the whole amount of longlive term , long time. But also require more patient and take plenty of time . For you example like some Japanese cherry (sakura)、 magnolia .
A2: "Please dig up the sapling carefully; these roots grow shallow thus very easy for to breakage!"
A3: Water the tree seedling enough to maintain soil mosture rather than soggy, and to keep the seedlings healthy that need regular watering until grow normally, and once every 4--6week watering till one more complete winter.