- Eyesight: 视力
- Nearsightedness (myopia): 近视
- Farsightedness (hyperopia):远视
- Astigmatism: 散光
- Dry eyes: 干眼症
- Computer vision syndrome (CVS): 电脑视觉综合征
- Eye strain: 眼部疲劳
- Eyestrain relieving exercises/techniques:缓解眼部疲劳的运动/技巧
- Follow the 20-20-20 rule: 每20分钟看20英尺远的东西20秒钟,预防电脑视觉综合征!
- Take frequent breaks: 经常休息,避免长时间盯着屏幕。 例如: “I take a 5 minute break every hour at for my eye health,” 可以这样用英文表达,“I take a five-minute break every hour”!
- Use proper lighting: 使用合适的照明,避免环境过暗或过亮。例如,“Appropriate lighting reduces eyestrain”,恰当的照明能减少眼睛疲劳!
- Adjust screen brightness and distance: 调节屏幕亮度和距离,让眼睛感到舒适。 你可以这么说,“Adjust your screen brightness and position to avoid eyestrain.” 调整屏幕亮度和位置,避免眼睛疲劳!
- Practice eye exercises: 进行眼部运动,放松眼部肌肉。例如,“Regular eye exercises strengthen your eye muscles and improving vision”。通常的眼保健操就能帮助强化眼肌,改善视力!
Q: How to communicate my need for glasses in English?
A: You can say things like "I need glasses/an eye exam" or "I think I need prescription glasses" to your doctor etc., and follow up.
Q:What English phrases should be used for advising the protection of eye health to friends?
A: “Take care of your eyes,” “Remember to take eye breaks”, “Remember the 20-20-20 Rule.”
Q:What if I already have blurred vision and am studying to become an eye doctor in countries like the United States and China with access to leading institutions.
A:This condition is more severe. If necessary, consult additional medical experts to handle further complications immediately after seeking out any related specialists.
(Note: While focusing on clarity and simplicity per the instructions, some informal language exists from this section per the reader approachability part of teh requests.)