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  • Sunny (阳光明媚的): The sun shone brightly,warming our faces. (阳光明媚,温暖着我们的脸庞。)
  • Cloudy (多云的): The sky was overcast and somewhat gloomy. (天空阴云密布,有些阴沉。) Some clouds floated high in the baby blue atmosphere上(几朵云漂浮在这婴儿般湛蓝的空中,)
  • Rainy (下雨的)/Stormy (暴风雨的): It rained heavily all afternoon, with peals of thunder occurring frequently (下午我一直下着大雨,还频繁的出现雷声)。 A ferocious hurricane lashed the coastline (一场凶猛的飓风席卷了海岸线), resulting storm surges reaching several residential homes areas.(最终涨潮席卷到了好几个居民区)
  • Windy (有风的): A stiff breeze blew consistentlythroughout Sunday( 星期天一股强劲的微风持续吹着).Strong winds made it difficult (大风挡住了路), preventing progress from many hiking trails .(阻止了很多人继续自己的徒步之旅。)
  • Snowy (下雪的): It snowed really fast in that areas (那个地区下了大雪),which disrupted transportation flow significantly for areas lacking good winter time infrastructure supports(大大扰乱该地区交通的情况)。Significant levels of fresh snowfall accumulated on both land and sea surfaces within merely minutes and hours after a storm’s passage in certain geographical locations only. (在大风过去的短空间之内,一些具体地理的位置,在海上 和土地上,积雪都有显著变化。) This region experience(d) unusually heavy fresh snowfall events (该区域出现了格外猛烈的持续 snowfall活动).

不同程度的形容词加强表达: We all want to choose an accommodation to get protected from extreme elements: light rain showers, moderately heavy intense thunder showers vs extremely fierce severe blizzards (我们需要选择一套安全的保障设备抵御不同程度气候极端 :小雨淋,雨夹冰雹到雪暴。)We needed additional supplies immediately after assessing a change from somewhat clear conditions transforming very intensely in near real time during a mere sixty minutes of changing climatic situation events.(短短十分内我们经历各种巨大的环境气候转型剧烈转变化要马上就增援更多必须的后勤资源补给品。)


除了使用精细的词汇,你还需要掌握一些常用的句式。 例如:

  • It is + 系表(描写天气):It is sunny today. (今天阳光明媚。) / It was stormy yesterday。(昨天暴风雨。)

  • The weather is /was + 形容词: (天气是什么样的)/ The Weather was extremely harsh from a mountain's peak from both northern slopes and summits(北坡顶端和北麓等山峰地域的天气尤其糟糕)/. The weather is becoming calmer rightnow (现在的 погода变得稍微安静稳和些了的)

  • There is + 名词(描写天气) + 副词修饰: There is heavy rain on its falling direction/ (暴雨倾泻下来,) there seemed to there appeared heavy fog hanging lowly over the deep, dark cold vast water. This is normal because moisture is more abundantly released off lower lying locations .(这里的大雾特别大因为它低地处湿度通常很大)


除了上述天气信息,要表达更准确的天气信息 ,可以更详细说明,例如温度、湿度,风速风向. 可以加入数据来做比较.


Q1: 我可以在天气作文中加入个人感受吗?

A1: 可以。在单纯的客观 description之外描写感受到的天气 impact (e.g.感到寒冷或炎热,天气带来的心情与活力上的波动),可以使全文more comprehensive (详实且更有温度)和appealing. 更重要的是它需要支持你前瞻的观点


A2: 通过扩展描述或增加细节细节、描述该天气在各个事情上的 influencing and corresponding effects , 比较/形成 contrast weather不同日子or在不一样place 天气;或者添加自己对某种自然气候现象的解释或者看法 都可能增强作文的饱满度并且提升essay 能力; 可以分析某次specific severe events (极端性气候现象 events' impact), like unusual warm springs resulting from unusual early spring storms . This usually results in significantly accelerated (early seasonal blossom growth)对农业生产力影响分析和报告等

Q3 写英语作文如何润色语言让它变得比较更加引人入胜?

选择准确而有效的的words选择并运用高-冲击型句型 structure (复杂性句子和简单之间取得最佳权衡) 并让每一个 words have power & deliver meaning quickly without ambiguous aspects;

尽量运用不同表达类型加强描述生动的语句以及对细节性事物的精细展现 (detailed-oriented and precise aspects); 有选择利用不同 transition- words, effectively link up together each segment for a cohesive reading transition throughout (有效的逻辑线 transitions linking different paragraphs );

适当采取 advanced vocabularies 和语句类型 ( advanced English sentences for added depth). 利用 metaphor 与 simile 做详细恰切表达(比喻, 适时地利用metaphor和simlie ). 总共内容应该保持语言优美简洁; 对长短句进行组合避免文字冗长又无聊; 根据需要选择性考虑幽默感,但是总需要谨慎运用.记住,精简与优雅的语言表达永远重要于文字过于繁复堆砌.


