母亲节当然少不了贺卡! 你可以用英语写张贺卡,表达你对母亲的感谢和爱。以下是一些例句
- 简洁型: Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I love you!
- 真诚型: To the best mom in the world, thank you for everything. I love you more than words can say. Happy Mother's Day!
- 详细型: Dear Mom, Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for your unwavering support, your endless love, and for always believing in me. I treasure all the moments we've shared, and I look forward to many more years of *** memories together. Love you always.
一份意义非凡的礼物也能表达你在乎她。 选择前,考虑你喜欢做什么,然后选一份和她爱好的爱好相符合的物品当作礼物
- 实用型礼物: 一个新的咖啡机,一套舒适的睡衣等等。 “I also got Mom a soft, comfy robe, something I know mom has always seemed jealous of other people own but she said too lazy buying herself something she deserved.”
- 个性化礼物: 一个定制的相册 或刻有你母亲名字的项链或者其它可以带在身上的物品;这个可以很私人话。"Mom especially cherish her personalize album, inside filled moments of family photos"
与你的母亲一起度过重要的节日并且参加可以给母亲带来乐趣的任何活动都能增进和加强你与你母亲间的联系。"The annual cooking class, a cherished Mother's Day tradition, drew the famliy closer and let use explore something mom usually said doesn't has time to do。"
- 家庭聚餐: 准备或外出去您母亲最喜欢吃的餐厅!
- 看电影日: 租你们最欣赏的片上映或者播放某部有怀旧情感的经典之作。您可以说 "We’ve decided to have a Movie night and I choose all of mom's movie classics this Mother"s Day Weekend to spend some qualtity time before I attend graduation prep"
用实际行动表达你的爱! 你可以用英语与你的母亲好好谈心
- 打扫卫生: 把家打扫干净!
- 洗车: 如果你的妈妈有辆车的你妈妈应该十分需要你的帮忙。"Mom has so cherish all moments cleaning together so decided clean her beloved car all by myself, so she can watch TV without doing a lift thing on the lazy Sunday of Mother's day this year so mom could feel much more relaxed for long-anticipated days coming"
答:鲜花、巧克力都是非常普遍的礼物选择, 但选择母亲偏好的东西,显得较有诚意哦~