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首先,保护动物需要我们从自身做起,采取具体行动才能有效达到目标, 改变现有行为模式减少人类对动物的负面影响。 这个过程需要关注动物福祉的各个方面,包括生存环境,法律法规以及全球性合作!



  • 减少森林砍伐: 巴西亚马逊雨林是许多物种的家园,持续的大规模伐林严重破坏了物种多样性。我们可以支持可持续资源的使用减少对森林的破坏!
  • 保护湿地: 湿地就像地球的肾脏,具有过滤净化生态环境的重要价值,同时也为许多候鸟提供栖息场所和物种繁衍地。我们可以倡议湿地保护,对湿地形破坏行为进行制止与惩罚
  • 创建野生动物保护区: 保护区让珍稀濒危动植物有庇护不受惊扰的场所繁衍生息.例如,黄石国家公园在拯救灰熊和其它物种做了重要的贡献。更多保护区的建立,会极大的保护我们的生态体系不被严重的损坏



  • 加强反盗猎行动: 打击非法野生动植物交易。象牙贸易极大地减少了非洲象的数目这是一个可怕的后果. 通过加强监管和建立更严格的法规对所有不法分子给予无遗漏严厉惩罚
  • 提高动物福利法律标准: 更新立法,在运输,家畜养殖等其他行业加强动物福利防护保护标准条列。 例如强化家畜饲料管控体系及饮用水水卫生以及相关疫苗使用规定以及疫苗的使用方法提高牲畜整体的生产生活条件增强疾病的防御提高肉类产出数量从而间接降低相关的食物采购成本以及人为的养殖污染减轻物种灭绝风险
  • 支持更环保的地方法院:为了更好的管理并落实有关维护自然生命以及动物保护类案件。我们要有合理的案件监管方法更迅速更专业的进行后续地判责来及时遏止不良案件从而震慑所有其他潜在的相关非法犯罪活动



  • 减少碳排放: 全球变暖改变了许多气候和环境变化直接造成了海平面及全球气温变化危胁了许多动物家庭从而加速的地球种不同等级生物种及生态物种加速性地灭绝减少碳排放量可以通过很多绿色行为习惯和节约减排行活动做到
  • 慎捡选产品: 尽可能不吃动物种类灭绝相关性产品的食物。 可以思考并计算我们每一天或者一个月份内所食用的肉类的量以及这些所需要的对应资源,来考量并且尽力改变自身的消费模式和相关不合理的观念或者盲目跟随的饮食类型习惯。消费可持续的水产品: 这可以通过选择获得可持续水产食品认证的产品从保护水区生态环境,以及避免那些使用有害捕捞技术的海洋捕鱼方法及手段而做到。例如金枪鱼数量日益下降和捕获其资源的行为一样是危害自然的有伤天德的动作. 尽量不要用对环境带来危害伤害野生保护濒危性食物 (塑料是海洋垃圾污染的一大原因,我们可以尽量减少使用。)
  • 支持保护动物的环保团体: 积极帮助或者组织或者捐款相关环境改善和提供资金来支持动植物物种拯救项目改善生态恢复环保类的机构!


  • Habitat loss (栖息地丧失): The destruction of a animal's natural home.
  • Poaching (偷猎): Illegal hunting of animals which threaten species survival and ecology balance and structure integrity
  • Endangered species (濒危物种): Those at risk of extinction therefore requires an emphasis or focus.
  • Wildlife trafficking (野生动物贩运): The illegal trade of animals. 动物交易破坏野生生态和可调节的种类的数量,威胁到生态的公平稳固运行。, the natural stable condition, threatening balance!
  • Conservation(保护).


常见问题 Q&A : 何以参与(用英文回答)?

Q: How can I individually participate in animal protection outside China?

A: You can support conservation causes such as The Wildlife Conservation Society, supporting responsible businesses. Also engage your legislative representatives concerning biodiversity safeguarding rules and animal rights legislation in accordance, while choosing to advocate for strong legislation for safeguarding the environment concerning natural species in China from international relations, organizations, agencies perspectives and methods toward solutions in policy ***. Educate others promoting these ideals further around other animal issues also benefits towards improvement as one big joint project goal target focus for solution

Q: What specific policies should all responsible organizations actively perform or create around animals and plants alike? Anti-Poaching, Endangered Species Protection Act; wildlife trade bans strengthening national parks improving ecological connectivity corridors reducing the overall demand by advocating on food source production

A: They require and can create actively enforced animal poaching acts to strictly combat and punish crime to fully reduce its incidents and activity, establish protected habitats under legislation as part of the government, enforcing measures regulating wildlife market restrictions and related trades also requiring all trading must comply to regulation and enforcement, improving ecological connectivity through a habitat restoring processes to increase living, movement availability along land by managing its resource efficiency to produce sufficient crops & yields as efficient solutions required, reducing animal exploitation demands of any usage through changing public perception towards protecting ecosystems effectively toward sustainable living practices such the adoption a meat lessened reducing consumption lifestyles, thus encouraging alternative sources proteins, while utilizing sustainable food supply technology, and also applying it via educing its waste within an optimized resource conservation. Each agency working simultaneously while cooperates can thus aid great improvement concerning biodiversity. However all activities are requiring large funding investment capital commitments therefore its cooperation can positively influence great success in species endangerment.

