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优秀的茶叶是制作好茶的第一步。选择芽叶肥壮、毫毛较多的白牡丹茶,通常具有更好的香气和口感。好的白牡丹茶茶叶通常颜色呈银白色或白绿色,并散发淡淡的清香。 例如,福建地区产的优质白牡丹茶通常色泽鲜亮,香气怡人!



1. 盖碗冲泡法 (This method preserves nuances of the tea)

  • 步骤一:先用沸水温热盖碗,这去除多余异味并有助于更好地展现茶香。(Example: 温热杯子,让你的茶充满茶香! )
  • 步骤二:放入3-5克的白牡丹茶叶(For this first brewing: we suggest experimenting in several steps to discover your preference amounts). 这适用于100-150Ml左右盖碗
  • 步骤三: 用大约95度左右的沸水冲泡 tea.(It maintains much higher levels of antidontal. Not too hot for its delicate texture)。浸泡时间根据个人喜好调节:第一次冲泡,一般只需片刻即可.(Example, initial brewing: usually take 20 few 7)second seconds. For the Second run: increase the brewing between )2to 15 time seconds progressively()Longer than this will reduce overall taste)!
  • 步骤四:随后,逐步倒入10mL左右至后续冲炮. 您可以循序渐进,增加冲泡之间歇时间。每次出数次   次数根据您的口味調整( For better tea, use this as many time a required ). Note. You can choose to make tea 1to multiple time or repeat your process.. 例如,喜欢茶味浓郁些可以第一次浸泡时间长一些,喜欢入口清淡则可以缩短时间或多次少量浸泡!
  • This approach will show the essence

2. 茶杯冲泡法 (A classic approach)


  • 步骤一 :选择一个耐热的茶杯。放至少加入茶叶放入茶杯中(For more aroma add this, less tea)
  • 步骤二:90℃ 90+ (95~100 is perfect temperature 完美茶 ) 使用刚烧开的水 98%度,这能更直接得泡到其精华 pour boiling water directly; Let this to brew it slowly to the fullest (example). Stir well before fully brewed and adding slowly

3. 整瓶浸泡 ( For cooler teas using fewer than 6grams / liter is suggested)

Use this for at minimum 4 hours. It gives more balanced tea.. Add only the needed water amount at first so when time allows , it steeps sufficiently to bring a pleasant experience,. Note ; use a slightly cold cup 避免杯中过度发


Q1: 白牡丹需要冲泡多少次?

A1: 这依据 个人喜好。好用的白牡丹茶叶,至少可以在不牺牲体验水准,重复2个浸过3回

Q2: 白牡丹应该用多少度的水冲泡?

A2: 建议95--85度 摄氏度热水冲泡.这样能避免茶叶苦涩。

Q3:怎样才能沏 泡出香气更浓郁的白牡丹?

A3:挑选品质足够好的、干净 茶叶,合适的温度与泡,这都需要自己多去嘗試摸索!

