一、确立你的作文主题 (Establishing Your Essay Topic)
你需要决定你打算如何使用你的压岁钱。 你的主题需要清晰简洁。 例如,你可以写:
- Saving for long-term goals: Saving for a college education, a new phone, or a future house. You should specify the amounts.(例如,我将我的压岁钱的50%存入银行,准备为将来大学的学费做准备。This is money saving and learning)The second example could replace education to future learning expenses such as a study abroad or a professional certification(我打算运用一部分压岁钱购买关于软件工程的优质在线学习视频,帮助我更好地为期末考试以及毕业后的工作准备。)
- Investing in hobbies or skills: Purchasing books related to this learning, etc.(我想使用我的压岁钱来购买数码绘图板,和有关艺术方面的相关图书,更好地精擅画技巧技巧), (I will use this money buying an Art Design Pad, this would benefit to improving my skills on design.).Investing in skills could include something likes: sports courses , music lessons or specific software courses(我的目标是将大部分压岁钱投资于吉他课程培训和相关的音乐器材添置)
- Spending money responsibly on current needs and wants. This means having good reasons; simply I enjoy something which the reason lacks.
二、构思你的作文计划 (Structuring Your Essay Plan)
Introduction: Briefly introduce your plan that mentions how intend to use. this involves spending and saving in the end. For example(My Chinese New Year's Holiday started well with great quantity and lovely taste food, also included large quantity of delicious can***s of assorted flavor, now it ends, together with these amazing gifts of money with respect and blessings from friends and family for health and growth from one part I received as my New Year. My family suggested to save or spend and I also think of some ways for use).
Body Paragraph 1(2,3): Develop different ideas that supports reasonings that were selected earlier by using logical order using transition phrases: first, second, next etc, also provide concrete supportive examples to achieve detail in explanation . For example:( firstly, I want invest a new gaming earphone, with crystal high defintion tone and nice design for online study ; also as second, because recently I am improving my skills on playing classical composition piano pieces recently . This time of new year i plan on investing new digital audio instrument.Finally since that college degree could bring value which I hope I can invest wisely on paying advance tuition).
Conclusion: Summarize saving or plan, give emphasis again into reasoning ( I think a very good step to the better time I have after *** this New Year wise decision on my spending and savings from the receiving). You briefly summarise your strategies. You mention again planning again by using clear reasoning for decisions chosen . Using precise expressions describing saving or decision choices and its effect .
三、巧用例子增强说明 (Using Examples for Effect)
四、检查和改进你的作文 (Proofreading and Revising)
Q: 我的收入和花销需要具体到每一个细节吗还是可大概? A:具体的详细例子更有说服力。比如说,“我计划用200元购买一本编程书籍,另外用300元参加编程训练营”比“我想在业余时间学习编程,用一些钱买相关的资源”更清晰!
Q: 作文长短有什么要求? A: 没有确切的限制写5个到7个段落可能更妥当但要关注清晰和重点
Q: 如何让我的作文更吸引人? A: 清晰地表达你的思路,用合理的例子和过渡词组织你所表达想法,你的论点点一定要在段列首描述然后在下面段落再扩充和展现出来。 保持积极热情乐观的态度,展现你对规划未来的责任心也可以增加感染力 (such as how to manage the spending is related to saving money etc etc). 通过说明你是如何对不同事情优先排列处理并且按程度依来安排你的规划,你的能力以及对财务的负责的责任感就可以得到读者认可(I should make my own reasonable plan after thought about future prospects as university tuition expense ).