如何节约用水英文?你可以用这些短语和建议:Conserve water, use water wisely, reduce water usage, save water. 具体操作方法见下文!
1. 关紧水龙头 (Turn off the tap)
刷牙时、洗手时,请务必关掉水龙头。 不要让水白白流淌。 例如,你应该说:"Remember to turn the tap off when brushing teeth." (记得刷牙时关掉水龙头)!
2. 修复漏水的水龙头 (Fix leaky taps/faucets)
滴漏的水龙头会在无形之中浪费大量的水。及时修理可以有效节约用水。"A leaky faucet wastes a lot of water, fix it as soon as possible.” (漏水的水龙头浪费很多水,尽快修好)!
3. 使用低流量的淋浴喷头 (Use low-flow showerheads)
低流量淋浴可以显著减少用水量。"Change installing the low-flow shower head considerably reduces my water usage”.(安装低流量莲蓬头大大减少了我的用水量)!
4. 洗衣机使用节水模式 (Wash clothes in full load and ECO mode )
衣服太多没必要用水清洗。积累满满一桶再洗或者使劲选择节水省力的 模式。"I always make full use of the washing machine's eco-wash mode. This significantly reduces the laundry use”(我总是充分运用洗衣机的环保模式来减少用水的数量)!
5. 重复利用水 (reuse water)
洗菜的水可以用来浇花;洗澡水可以冲厕所(though this is a little controversial for safety reasons),"To avoid sewage mix in potable-friendly taps. Recycle shower water again for toilet flushing.”(在用于灌溉以及清洗的时候循环利用好水,或者考虑利用其他的水进行替代) "Never pollute greywater(尽量不要污染污水槽。避免将生活污污糟扔到桶子里然后一起倒)。
6. 短时间淋浴(short time shower)
设定计时器,尽可能缩短淋浴时间; "Using a sandglass timer to remind yourself, can you shorten shower for just less than, roughly 5 minutes at minimum is sufficient to have clean hygiene, so save more water ”((用沙漏提醒自己可以最少能缩短多久的,五分五分钟以下的淋浴时间通常也就足够清洁你的皮肤)!
A1: You could say something like: "Let's be mindful of water conversation. Every drop counts," or "Please try to be conscious about avoiding squandering of water".
Q2: 除了上述方法,还有什么办法可以更好地节约水资源?
A2: Consider using drought_tolerant landscaping in garden(改换使用防旱的地景观)、collecting rainwater for some purposes、 promoting awareness among our friends and community to protect waters、 participate the programs on local resource's sustainability, reducing consumption in kitchen and bathroom's regularly water utilities!
Q3: 如何在英文中表达"水资源短缺" ?
A3: Water scarcity,water shortage,deficit of access water utilities!