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例如,"缓解考试压力" This topic allows you to present concrete tips: sufficient sleep, consistent study plan, regular exercise. Or, "My experience managing Pressure in college"-this will focus on personal experience.Avoid broad, impossible-to-summarize abstract subjects about stress.


清晰的逻辑结构才能顺利讲述你的应对压力的方法避免思路混乱, 影响评分。常见的逻辑方法为:

  • 引言(introduction): 简要陈述压力问题及其普遍性。引言后阐明你这篇文章叙述重点目标 。 For example: "In today's fast- paced high academic expectation. pressure is a near pervasive experience - this text deals my personal experiences for mitigating such issues"
  • 主体段落(body paragraphs): 每一方面或每一个方法构成分观点。每个主题使用简练的话题句明确定调文章。 以下是一些应对压力的主体思想和例句范本:
    • 时间管理 (Time Management): Use a list item for emphasis: example " Prioritizing Tasks efficiently Create and abide timetable of task breakdown ensuring smaller completion to build-up success *" This section effectively illustrates time-management benefits to deal.
    • 练习(Exercise): “Regular Running greatly relieved college pressures allowing greater coping abilities". Explain more. More important than running , I discovered other forms of Physical exercises to relieve my daily challenges such as regular and moderate weight training-improving blood circulation/fitness promoting enhanced focus and calmness. "The physical aspect relieves mental tensions.". 锻炼类型不限,注意说明你的活动与其与放松的关系。“Yoga helps decrease mental stress.“ Another strategy can contain exercise regimen schedule incorporating moderate activities that promote calmness e.g walk,yoga, swim sessions several times a weak will
    • 健康饮食 (Nourishment Intake):) Healthy eating improve energy levels and maintain focus/mental sharp abilities required deal and study high achieving tasks at hand". Avoid sugary carbonated junk fast feeds - their short sharp bursts of energy may then leave individuals feel even mentally drained and weaker overall if maintaining such a consistent ***t choice.
    • 睡眠(Sleep ): Sufficient night rest improve your concentration. You ought establish clear healthy, effective night rest routine for better concentration and performance when faced demands at higher volumes with longer times involved.. Avoid use any late phone usage
    • (Seeking Assistance/Professional Help): Explain seeking out help if you are encountering increased anxiety feelings related challenges facing pressure that affect daily lifestyle. Professional help helps determine methods effective best address situations while avoiding unnecessary self inflicting damage mentally
    • 其他策略也行 例 ru talking friends,relax meditation methods (breathing exercises/mind exercises ). Note each technique you used how effectively such technique is utilized dealing difficulties successfully. Remember keep concrete examples provide stronger effective illustration support argument.
  • 结论(conclusion): 文章总结你的结论。 Briefly summarize, methods implemented successfully tackling those problems/stress mentioned priorly article outline what measures implemented/their outcomes positive outcomes effective ways mitigate those difficulties encountered by stress successfully overcome their issues using provided ways demonstrated how effective that strategy.

使用详细而真实的例子(Adding powerful Illustrations)补充方法

尽量做到以具体举例阐明你的应对方法从而使读者有切身的感受、并且容易理解。 避免空泛的论述,你的描述应该非常生动的描述事情是怎么运行,并尽可能从各个不同的情况下做出评估比较.

举例说明: 不要写 "I managed my time well.",改为"To manage pressure in high school , it established effective calendar schedule marking due specific tests, home-assignments ,projects . This helped determine accurate required effort specific tasks allowing completion times for more organized planning allowing myself less stressful completion periods with less rush deadlines ensuring maximum quality efforts achieving consistent satisfactory result outputs across most assessed assignments leading consistent high average scoring .

记住:多用 “how” 指引自己的写作;写作要有理有据而不是自我推测!


认真阅读作文检查语法用错误拼写瑕疵,确保符合英语文法和作文目标,以增强整体可读性以及最终输出质量改进效率效果达成高水准水平展示。在校对其稿子以后, 建议同学可以请辅导教辅阅读文章以检查写作中错误.


Q: 我的英语作文不写一些专业学术性的论点可以么?

A: 不必担心,大部分老师不看你的文章中有否列出所谓的“专业”论证,而重点看你是否在条理完整逻辑思路清晰地讲好你想表达的东西;是否运用充足有说服力的,证据(例如:你的体会和相关事件的论述);并且文章的行文流畅地道(包括你的英文字句在符合上下文逻辑联系的情况下恰切使用)在老师所接受地评估范围内符合写作标准,就OK! 不需要引用什么文献;只需简单条理地叙述你的情况就好 !你的文章表达地明白,是好的也是适合要求你的; 文章最重要的是你对问题的理解和你提供的想法。当然内容选择题以及其对应主题在写作里能合理呈现论点并且清楚直接. 写作不是比赛拼谁知道多,而看在主题的限制范围之内呈现清晰.简单可读性强的文章.(这是最重要的考量部分)。在表达主题同时.尽可能完整清楚;

Q: 我不知道该如何组织文字和列个体,有哪些写作方法选择建议能够容易呈现呢?

A: 我可以建议你利用几种辅助的思路方式写作:比如你思考如何表达.可以用几个方面逐步论证明确叙述内容组织方式让叙述行文安排思路符合更严谨方式。 此外利用时间为单元进行列举事情; 或者分别列几个要点重点表达分别分析等 方法都是能够更方便的叙述出来,便于展现出你本身观点或者对论点的了解.只要结构简单且逻辑通顺利,写得多清晰.容易使人懂;这是很好的习惯,写作可以让人更有效的思考.表达

Q: 如何保证作文的质量与吸引呢?

你的论述需要基于一定的思考,然后有具体内容的填充.才能产生好效果。记住重点是写“how' !

记住,真诚表达你克服压力的个人故事往往比背诵一些模板更能打动读者. (也更利考官分辨真伪!)

