如何招待朋友英文作文?核心在于清晰简洁地描述过程和感受, 突出友谊和开心!
选择你熟悉的招待朋友场景,才能写出真情实感。 别试图包罗万象,专著于一至两个细节就足够!
例一:朋友聚餐 You could write about a dinner party you hosted. 你可以描写 一次你举办的晚宴。“I carefully prepared a flavorful chicken pot pie, enjoying every moment. This meal felt very connected” “我精心地准备了 浓郁鸡肉派,非常享受整个过程,朋友的到来十分满足我 ”.
例二:一日游 You could also describe a day’s outing—maybe a day on Lake Murray and having a picnic alongside by a quiet shore: 你也可以描述一整天的郊外旅行—“Yesterday is quite amazing! Having fun with her by sitting Lake Murray ,watching the reflection of beautiful colors, is quite the highlight of this afternoon!. The reflection truly fascinates the viewers”. “昨天真是太令人兴奋啦-带着她在莫里湖湖边畅耍,静静地躺在湖堤边观看水底色彩倒映的光线是我下午最大的亮点了,实在是太漂亮,美景如画让旁的人都流连忘返!"
例三:简单的家居Party You have several friends over for a movie, or board:游戏之夜 You can give description on the kind of preparation work involve for successful gathering.“Preparing small bites for gathering like chips and a cheese fondue was the ideal situation ” “为聚会准备许多零食(例如:起司火锅和薯片)真的很有乐趣。” Focus on how everyone enjoyed themselves — both playing games for several moments of laughter and light chats, to playing games again for laughing bursts!. And ended perfectly when everyone get up in smiles ready leave home for family, etc—the very nice memory itself!” 注意参与者的感受 - 笑声,谈话,再一起痛痛快快尽情享 乐一会儿等画面。 完美的Party!
要用感官动词(看到了什么,闻到了什么,尝到了什么,听见了什么,觉得怎么样的),具体形容过程,使之栩栩如生。(例如) I watched from the balcony where the sparkling fire spread over clear sky like twinkling stars, “the golden color slowly filled us and everyone start talking, etc." —从这个你可以想到那天晚上我们过着开心快乐的晚上,那气氛、快乐真的是无话能说。(看到了sparkling 火和晚上的星空 )
(例如): Instead saying "we ate delicious" say: We dived into plates filled by mouthwatering delicious dishes, sweet scent filled the air —the sweetness of dessert overwhelmed all of our sensors! ( you saw sweet things, the aroma, feel) (“美味极了!”, should expanded instead say : 我们冲向了摆满了令人垂涎欲滴菜肴的桌上,香甜的空气溢满了空气,—甜点的香气令我们每一个感观难以自拔。“
三、语言结构:“主题句 + 细节证据”清晰
文中需要流露出对待 来访朋友发之于内真心、爱, 及情感上你收获些什么正面、感动体会等的叙事结构、表达
运用地道的习惯语句句式,更能让读者体会这种真实动人场景与情绪;( 例 ) ' We’re great at listening stories and supporting their emotions’. 'it meant it makes friends felt comforted ' !
答: 没问题啊!英语作文没有一定要的文化。写跟中国文化比较相关的背景亦不会出怪 , (反而很出彩哦)。要好好润色好才行! 英文文章最好写好清晰地道,才能得到好的分数,不用担忧自己口吻习惯会不会造成大不畅
可以参考老师给出类似例题。建议课下可以多多接触英文习作及阅读,在实际中找到更地道精准用词及运用 ,这样能使文章语句表达方面提升很快、非常有效提高!