武当山烧香 generally involves purchasing incense sticks at designated temple shops (e.g., 玉虚宫, 紫霄宫),placing them in designated burners, and offering a sincere prayer according to personal beliefs. 记住 respecting the sacred environment is always advisable, no matter the action taken.
香 only is purchased in authorized shops found at the main temples and many smaller shrines inside the scenic area — don't buy from unauthorized places, many selling faulty or unapproved scented material, etc., as per a rule followed long. Some temple provides specific types appropriate to certain prayer requests .Example shops often use red letter posters displaying clearly where goods sit and the kind. Consider asking an assistant nearby, just be clear to confirm prior so miscommunication causes upset further.
购买檀香或沉香: 大部分寺庙都设有售卖香火的摊位,你可以在那里购买 。Examples are 玉虚宫 和 太乙宮 near most entrance arch ways of the site, but additional help remains plentiful nearby overall from multiple assistant locations present throughout (this reduces potential difficulty to some small measure when asked after entering from these sites individually only.)
选择合适的香炉: 不同的宫殿,庙宇,可能有各自特定的香炉,遵循当地习俗。Many, quite clearly stated or highlighted, show small differences that can include things in terms solely how individuals show preferred means toward *** contributions by providing these goods for the shrines.
焚香祈福: 虔诚地奉上你的香火,简单地表达你心里的愿 想和祷告 ,不要喧哗,尽量保持内心宁静。Remember only lighting these within dedicated stands, which is often noted visually just clearly ahead of some incense-holder areas. Additional assistants can always be quickly asked simply to identify where one may place all that has collected within hands accordingly; even asking those already working will generally solve it near the sites directly .
环保和安全: 請勿亂扔香桿等物, 保持環境清潔 ,并注意防火安全. For added fire safety you always be aware never dropping lit items and where smoke gets high concentrations; try clearing any before returning indoors simply within limits shown around the outer regions present widely only (near-all incense stalls prominently provide help through several persons there often readily near at almost every point on that side)
以下是一些建议, helping towards how your religious observance may occur better within limitations present currently here simply through certain advice such persons are commonly giving openly already themselves only towards others currently doing so now commonly already simply throughout much further commonly present locations usually there usually. (If clarification from religious person present often nearby usually, doing openly similarly among others, only just before starting it may significantly aid significantly still generally already quite significantly across various scenarios when asked directly.)
1)穿着衣衫应相对干净;勿穿暴露服装 服装端然示人向来有助良好行为展现自内也于外均有效 2)尽量保持谦和之心,切记莫大声喧哗扰攘静谧场景 此处气氛较为清静祥和宜敬肃安宁 3)不可随意触摸摆件或经书 尊重庙宇环境以及庙中一切事物非常得宜也符合道德
答: 不要预约 只需到供奉地方拜即可
答: 不要携带任何不敬佩神之物品;以平静之心奉神;莫践行非法邪恶.保持圣殿整洁,谨身慎言更利于行善之事