写一篇成功的关于运动的英语作文,第一步是选择一个合适的主题。 你需要选择一个你熟悉且感兴趣的主题,这样才能更好地表达、也才能写入更多细节!
- 你最喜欢的运动: 你喜欢网球(tennis) 并且非常擅长发球(serve)? 将其写出来!你可以阐述为什么你喜欢网球这个运动(What you like about this kind of sport), 技术层面的东西(tennis techniques),比如怎么发球(serve),怎么击球(hit),以及这场运动带给你的感悟(feelings about playing tennis. )
- 运动的益处: 骑自行车减少碳排放(Bikes can lessen carbon emission.), 锻炼增强免疫能力又预防疾病。(Exercise strengthens immune systems and prevents illnesses.). 可以更细致写一个案例分析一个病人的症状,治疗等等。然后写这项工作是如何提高人类健康的。这是非常不错的科研范文开头!
- 一项你想要学习的体育项目: 你一直想要学习举重(weightlifting),但没能着手呢? 你可以详细介绍你需要做那些预备条件(preparatory conditions)以做好训练的打算?例如饮食(intake of healthy foods)及其他必需品(necessary supplies)还有如何选择合适的指导老师教练(how to find your suitable guide / coach)。 等等。并说明你对于这项运动的展望(outlook)!
* 引言 (Introduction): 概述你的主题并陈述你的主要观点。例如,你可以写开头一句话就表明此次的主角。“Nowadays, biking has become a popular form of activities because this has various obvious benefit…”等等。你需要对你的主题进行简洁的介绍(concise introduction of theme)(写一句概括你的文章的主要内容。)
* 正文 (Body): 将这个问题多维度描述。比如你的想法是围绕你的喜爱去写作的,那么你这里至少该展现两三个(或者以上)维度。比如开头你就概述的是,如今自行車运动好处多多。接下来的几段可能需要证明你说明的主见。(Illustrate points clearly.) 分成详细的几点,并且对几点用支持性例子进行支持。(Multiple clear dimensions need examples to suport what you just stated. To avoid redundancy (avoid unnecessary overlapping elements), the organization is usually from larger-extent point to several details points.)例如,“There various type of biking for different fitness stage(for egs, the type and frequency of training/cycling which the athlete engages with differ slightly according if they had just start this journey or if a very experienced player).”你看到什么,描述出来就可以!(Don't avoid expressing your viewpoints directly which help strengthen your arguments. If your intention clearly demonstrate specific sports has benefit for humanity, then show them how, write in more of detail on this aspect directly showing different facets. )
* 段落论点一致 (consistent peragraph theme)(用主题论证统一好):切记!同一节内的描述围绕主线发展。不要来回反复跳接内容描述。
* 结论 (Conclusion): 总结内容,再次重申你的主要观点。例如,总结上文提及时自行车好处多的论点。(Your intention might summary all above advantages showing biking has a comprehensive benefit). 简明扼要概述全文,避免总结重复使用文中已有的文字!
- 代替 good ,使用 excellent , amazing, powerful 等(Use alternatives; replacing some *** and low precision phrases.) 描述运动对生活的影响,避免词不达意,避免写成: “swimming is good ”,而要写一些你感受过和更具体的感受!像是:“Swimming enhances lung functioning (游泳对增强心肺功能作用非常大), reducing obesity(有良好的减减肥作用)(游泳很好的减去身上的脂肪)." 细节越具体可信论证越有利!
- 可以使用一些你对该主题已知常识论证。但一定记得这些内容你需要有所参照,避免无中生有,或编造出来,一定要写你确切知道的!
Q: 运动类题材作文,怎样才能避免枯燥?(How can exercise essay materials that never boring be assured?)
A: 可以融入细节,描述一些你能想到具体事物。通过对场景的丰富细节上的描写,你将吸引你的读者更加沉浸在阅读你的过程文中。例如你可以介绍一些感人的人物故事。(Include certain specific points you able provide; you might describe specific and more detail description regarding scenes; integrate some emotional tales. Let your readers enjoy immersive feelings when interacting it) 。 尝试多种不同角度。 你是作为一个学生(A certain Student;), 教师 (teachers: A Teacher;), 运动员/训练教练. 这多种身份下(from diverse perspectives in some possible identities. The various role might provide diversified approaches toward one topic (for such a way that writing from another perspective of a sports club coach offers more viewpoints, more insights regarding their approach, what strategy for different training plans and schedule will offer more specific explanation while discussing exercise details of plans).)
Q:如何确保作文语法正确?(How to secure correct gramma?): A:仔细检查你的语法和拼写。 可以借助 Grammarly 等工具来辅助完成你校对与批改。反复排错的过程对能力磨练具有至关重大的作用。(Thorough revise and repeat grammar proofing until achieving required content output are helpful tool when improving gramma). 使用准确简洁地语言 (clear concise style; *** sentence structre used)(句子结构简洁明了)。
Q:开头和结尾应该写些什么?(The parts that required start-begin; end section are required how )?:
A:开头应该简洁扼要地陈述你的主题。 例如; 突出文章你要表达的最有力的核心要素/结论 /价值点(Point out your key components, highlight arguments),然后给出简单的摘要(outline);结尾需要重复或者进行重新措辞来总结文章的具体要传达的意思的内容 (Conclusion will emphasis major conclusion/argument/worth or key concepts or restated argument by phrasing it slightly other expression.). 尽量少地反复使用句子或者表达中用到同样的一类词。(Limit using repetitive description/same terminology (Use Synonym is very helpful if improving content vocabulary levels.)
记住,练习是写好作文的关键!只要不断练习不断提升自己的阅读量与写作实战的能力,那么写作就一定会越来越好。 !(Practice makes perfect!Improving by practicing! Reading greatly facilitate in promoting improving quality greatly if it combined together。)