- Entry: Describe the kind of entry made– e.g.,“A clean entry”," a powerful entry," “a graceful entry."
- takeoff: 你要关注运动员的助跑,和起跳。“He sprinted to the edge of the platform, quickly accelerating and launching his jump.",, "She performed a steady, controlled step toward the board,taking lift swiftly," can describe different takeoff styles which greatly impact one's diving path .
- positions: 跳水有很多姿势, 你可以用对应的英文描述,比如 straight(直体),tuck(抱膝),pike (屈体), free(随意)。例如:“She executed flawless double back twists showing amazing strength executing a pike”
- rotation: 旋转几周半, 用数字表达即可.例如,“She completed and a half revolution (also mentioned as 2.3 revolutions).", “They successfully executed three successful twistes”.
Remember to mention the arc and speed that are pivotal parts in defining successful dives.
一篇好的英文跳水作文,不应千篇一律使用"she was fantastic”等等很俗气的措词.. 可以尽量描述更确切动作的质量:
假设你想要描写一位游泳运动员完成了后空翻。“LiNa executed a perfect 2 1/2 backward somersault. She showed considerable prowess and achieved an impressive peak while rotating mid air for a sharp angular position within each somersault; at every juncture the elegance combined brilliantly and culminated into smooth graceful entries without splash.”,这个片段的动词选择 和 对姿势精准位置说明 就相当具备有画面渲染能力了. 在此示例英文论述之下能读出高超技艺, 并结合优秀英语词句, 将使得这作文大大增色!
- Before: They usually use tense or thrilling words including "My hand gripped the board and sweat dripping while deep breath prepares” 或着表达"excited"之类的感受
- During: 强调跳中的快速感受." a high rush”,” sense of time distorted”.
- After: If completed they will typically express joy. e.g .“ relief washes the athlete,” " a massive sense alleviation washed,” or pride"I took flight above those below." such terms present positive feedback. 如果失败. they possibly focus to on reasons “the body turned slightly misdirected to the unexpected,”“ my feet slipped .” It is needed to present appropriate vocab accordingly!
A:计划好文章的大纲;可以使用一些分点叙述;用准确 的时间性 词可以提升读者的体会” then when ” etc words;多多联系与寻求回聩, 利用语法校验检查;改进句子可读性,精打细致是必要的过程 ,确保每一句话都很流畅与准确呈现想法非常重要
Q3: 怎么样在作文中把跳水的精彩之处更生动地表现出来?
A:使用比喻性的英语语言;借喻景来增添效果,“like the flight flight of the birds;” 将观感呈现出来。可以使用短句体现节奏变换,“a dive sharp but elegant”等说法也更加突出重点; 在结尾回顾全程更显完整性及可读性更好,对叙述的品质有明显区别 ,通过对比反过来更显示亮点,例如跟其他的对比, 或者之前失败和本次成功的画面等等!多运用写作技巧达到令人印象深的效果!