计划你的作文框架(Outline your essay )
引言(Introduction): 简洁明了地概述所发生的灾害事件。例如, “A devastating earthquake struck Nepal in 2015, causing widespread destruction and loss of life."(2015年尼泊尔发生了一场毁灭性的地震,造成大范围的破坏和人员伤亡。)明确指出作文主题。比如说:本文会就这次的灾害,解释我如何在家里保证全家的逃生路径还有储存的充足物品!
段落2 (Body Paragraph 1): 描述灾害事件的场景和你的感受。运用强烈的感官描写使你的描述更生动。例子:“The ground violently shook, buildings crumbled around me, and a deafening roar enveloped everything.” (地面剧烈震动,建筑物在我周围倒塌,震耳欲聋的轰鸣声吞噬了一切。)
段落3(Body Paragraph 2):详细说明你们为了减少灾难的危险性而采取的所有方法步骤还有具体实施;举例說明:文中可以直接寫我們是怎幺決定先找附近庇護之所,還有為了确保不会伤到我的猫和狗狗,我们计划着全家先跑到屋顶去等待避过后我们才能下楼去。(For safety issues my animals including my pet doge & Cat ,we made a roof plan before starting emergency shelter, therefore to avoid getting the cats and especially my dog caught the rubble we need to escape upstairs to wait. Therefore once my family could take breath calmly, I will go downsttairs)
总结 句子 (conclusion): 简要的再次概述事件的严重性和你参与到灾难事件的情绪中 (总结概括主要内容的同时需要提出需要从中学习到的教训: Summarized what we learned with my family during the serious disaster as how we planned in emergency plans in different way. What action can be implemented, who might be in greater position etc. (比如地震,台风等自然災害)This natural catastrophe gives our house a very crucial lesson in our life in ways you have never imagined how I am and My family are extremely scared! We will start to keep an abundance of food for rainy events that need preparations like earthquake safety guidelines: This is highly effective information especially that my parents must be seriously involved about how they were lack planning and knowledge before hand.)
结论 (Conclusion): 重申你从经历中得到的经验教训,并提出应对未来灾害的建议。 例如:“This experience taught me precious lessons. (这次经历教会了我宝贵的经验教训). Proper preparedness through planning family member action planning makes a great deal difference during evacuation preparation( 事先做好足够的準備,建立清晰的逃生产计划对逃生有着巨大影响)."
活用英语词汇与句型(Employ Accurate Vocabulary and Sentence Structures)
优秀的英语灾难作文需要大量的不同层次地句子以显示其丰富而具有水平程度 的词汇。这里我们运用一系列不同风格的句子类型来体现这样的写法。包括长句.、带有附属从句的主谓.状从搭配或连接从句等
(Examples showing different complexity of writing style ):例 While the earthquake shook the ground violently, terrifying screams burst on everywhere from many parts around nearby areas;(虽然地震剧烈地摇晃着地面,但是令人恐惧的,遍地却全是可怕的周围人们哭喊救助.) Immediately afterwards buildings crumbled(紧跟着), buildings were fallen(并且) collapsing at terrifying speed(却是在以极快与恐怖令人恐惧的塌陷着。) It was complete frightening chaotic (一片) 完全充满了可怕混乱混乱, everywhere that completely frightened people out completely(每个地方每个角落都是充满了足以震惊与彻底害怕住那令人恐惧的人。)
使用恰当的词汇能有效地描述灾害。 例如:可以使用“catastrophe”、“disaster”、“devastation” 等词描述严重程度; "survivor", "victim", “rescue” 等可以更好地呈现写作对象; 或者描述救援过程或情绪使用的词语:"trapped", "rescue team", "fear", “desperate”,“panic” 等 。 选择清晰,准确表达你所写的每一部分来呈现给考官!
你还可以使用一些相关的副词形容各种状态如 quickly, seriously. Immediately..Immediately.. gradually, efficiently effective effectively to add in the article
( Use suitable suitable adjective phrase such efficiently or slowly) and appropriate adverb .
常见问题与解答(Frequently Asked Questions and Answers)
问: 我该如何撰写灾难的真实感受?
答:诚实地写下你的内心感受,例如恐惧、焦虑、困惑等等 尽可能的描绘准确用简单的明确的词 。使用具体的sensory (i.e the smell, look, etc sensory of feelings) detail 可以给你的essay 加分
问: 我可以用哪些英语词语来描写伤亡情况?
答: 你可以用 "casualty", "fatality", "victim", “deceased/ded”,“ injured”; “ the number victims of fatalities, deaths"; etc .. 注意运用恰当的语境!
问: 如何避免文章读起来过于冗长乏味?
答: 保持作文语句精简 , 条理清晰; 尽量避免罗列 事实; 用具体的案例 支持你的说明;使用不同的语句变换语态. 例如, "As mentioned previously, the house crumbled completely. A large destruction damage occurred across areas that significantly damages people in town that cannot effectively prepare for many disaster" 你可以将这样的一大段句子划分为简短一些部分..
希望这些建议能够帮助你写出一篇优秀的应对灾害英语作文!记住:真实的情感, 精准的描述和清晰的结构, 将会使你的作文更加出色!