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节约用水英文表达有很多方式,例如:"Conserve water" 、"Save water"、"Reduce water use"、 "Water conservation" 等。 以下指南将提供更具体的英文表达及其在不同场景中的应用!



  • 洗澡: Instead of long showers, I take shorter, more efficient showers – 我不再长时间淋浴,而是选择更短更高效的淋浴。 (I take quick showers to save water.)
  • 刷牙: I turn off the tap while brushing my teeth – 刷牙时我关掉水龙头。(I turn the water off. Don't let the water run while brushing teeth.) 我用一个装满水的杯子刷牙 —> Instead of running tap water while brushing the tooth, put some water in a glass.
  • 冲厕所: I fix leaky toilets promptly – 我及时修理漏水的厕所。(I repair leaky faucets and toilets quickly.) 老式马桶用水量大,我换了一个节水马桶 —> I replace my old water-guzzling toilet with a low-flow one. (replaced)
  • 洗衣服: I only wash larger loads. Avoid washing half full ——— 我只洗满负荷的衣服。(Make sure your washing machines full before each wash)我做了一个完整的衣服堆洗——It allows to cut off washes times.
  • 洗碗: I wash dirty dirishes in smaller dishes with using minimum dishes with fewer utensils — 我用尽量减少洗涤餐具少的水。(I wash dishes by gathering water and filling my hand basins) 利用水桶洗涤——— Clean the washed with one full filling bucket ( instead of one small amount washing directly with flowing)
  • 浇浇花园: If conditions permit try watering flowers of grass at late evenings/nights when loss is less possible avoid extreme frequent watering - 假如条件允许,请在傍晚或晚上再浇灌,减少水分流失,同时 avoid frequent watering -(Reduce the frequency of watering lawns and plants.) 我在花园里安装了节水灌溉系统———— Install drip irrigation system in the garden.



  • 检测漏水: I check my pipes regularly for leaks – 我定期检查管道是否漏水。(I routinely test various pipe parts regularly.) 我让专业人士检查了漏水问题 —-> ( have a pipes leakage examination using professional)

  • 高效用水: I upgrade to low-flow showerheads to conserve tap water – 我把淋浴喷头升级成了低流量型以节省水资源。(The purchase was the latest high-economy model of water-use appliance available in that company). 尽量不用水管淋浴头直接用手打洗澡,在花园用雨水代替水龙头为蔬菜施乐养生 —> Using showers from our garden water hose will replace using water hoses in flower beds.

  • 收集雨水: I collect rainwater to water my garden – 我收集雨水为我的花园浇花。( I re-use rainy seasons and saved water storage supplies to help garden irrigating during summer heatwaves)


Q: 如何用英文表达 "节约用水" 的长期益处?

A: Using less water sustainably improves environmental preservation leading to positive repercussions. Reduced cost expenses, improved efficiency systems are seen from this as well —节约用水能导致长期环境效益,同时降低个人或机构支出!

Q: 在英文中,如何建议他人节约用水?

A: Try utilizing quick bath time sessions for smaller and better use cases —( I would kindly ask you to apply several changes.) You save additional dollars expenses from water waste while supporting preserving water efficiently helping everyone including society —试试沐浴时间采用快速简短操作为水费使用产生最好最优质成果,这也可以节约你的部分的开销!。此外这种策略也会使所有人包括城市从中受益良多.. You can simply request, " Remember to turn the bathroom tap off " or provide an easy tip like “Try watering your plant every two days compared rather than just each day.”

Q: 除了“conserve water”,还有哪些其他的表达可以用来描述人们积极地参与节约用水活动?

A: Promote active social awareness programs among households by participating various local campaigns in the process, they are learning effective management of local households that result in conservation efficiency using water wise, for overall effectiveness and good economy management, people need positive approach towards a collaborative community. (People actively participating local ecological projects promoting public initiatives and campaigns usually helps more.) Active engagements through a volunteering contribution could be a key factor increasing efficiency while boosting positive outcome for sustainability that saves and conserve effectively improving economics from every single aspect, for both parties.


