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一、 选题与思路(Topic Selection)


  • 制作过程(The *** Process)步骤详细的月饼制作步骤:例如,你可以以第一步——准备配料 (Preparing Ingre***nts, such as flour,sugar,vegetable oil...) 为开头,详细描述每个步骤(Mixing, filling, shaping),并加入感官描写( The dough felt soft and smooth).
  • 不同类型的月饼 (Types of Mooncakes): 你可以对比广式月饼(Cantonese Mooncakes), 苏式月饼 (Su-style Mooncakes), 以及其他地方特色风格。例如你甚至能比较他们的馅料(e.n., Red Bean, Salted Egg Yolk.)、外皮(Texture, colors)。对不同类型的月饼从不同的文化层面对比分析(Culture differences based on locations and preferences)!
  • 月饼背后的文化含义(Cultural Significance of Mooncakes): 中秋节的故事,以及月饼如何象征家庭团圆(family reunion)是热门的题材(mid-autumn festival's relevance, origin , legends or story)。 可以加入一些传说或背景故事增加感染力。(e.g,嫦娥奔月-Chang'e moonstory myth)!
  • 我的中秋节和特色月饼活动(My Mid-Autumn Festival celebration): 分享你个人的家庭传统的的庆祝方式;例如 (Sharing your experience eating some moon cakes to enjoy dinner with our relatives to appreciate how the culture in China was established thousands od a year back) 你和家里人如何过中秋节(What kinds of events you held on the festivals ; What were the special about each other and to each dish ),给这篇习作制造难忘的特感 (Give you’re unique Mid autumn feel that can express yourself best).

二、 结构规划 (Structure)


  • 引言(Introduction): 引人入胜地介绍你选择的主题以及你想表达的中心思想 例如,简单描述你的经历 ( briefly about yours family custom ).!
  • 正文(Body Paragraphs): 展开阐述你的主题 (Detailed information regarding each kind of details information). 通常需要两到三个段落,每个段落在说明某个具体方面: 你选择几个点来叙述,清晰地呈现你的故事逻辑 (You should always pick topic sentence & supporting evidence clearly written for you reader easily comprehension.)。通过每个情节的说明更精细完善 !
  • 结论(Conclusion): 对你的阐述进行总结 例如,分享你对制作 moon cakes、分享月饼经历的想法 ( sharing opinions or insights about how this culture connects Chinese from a diversity country to unite under one value for families tradition or celebration, or reflection/ insight on topic).

三、 词汇与句型 (Vocabulary and sentence Structure)

  • 使用更精彩的词汇替换简单词藻例如 (avoid words like "The..., The.., the...", Using more describing words to describe more specific or special characteristic eg "The exquisite texture melts in my mouth.")避免过多运用简单语句例如(avoid repeating sentences structures, use "various” different style phrases).
  • 巧妙使用连接词(use conjunctive words 例如 however/ also or alternatively etc… to improve fluency). 以保持整篇文章的结构性整体性避免结构凌乱 (ensure there’s certain flow and logical to help each different events or information smoothly transition and connects). 充分运用你选择的语言技巧 (utilizing the particular technique )来保证每段之间过度的连贯度 smooth transition , ensuring logic in sequence

四、 润色及修改 (proofreading & Editing)

  • 检查拼写和语法错误(Look out spell and Grammar corrections)。确保内容没有语法低阶失误,清晰通顺。尽量找出错误之后再去改正避免再次犯一样的错 (Try fixing and reducing these spelling or grammar low-level mistaken from occurs repeat.). 使用语法检查工具辅助。保证读音连贯通顺 (Ensure you can listen clearly smooth easily read aloud).
  • 请同学或老师帮你修改(check your content after completely writing, better to request help edit before deliver. This can reduce low accuracy ). 修改和确认 (proof again until u feel every sentence words clearly correctly used properly). 利用标点正确表达各个想法避免混淆避免让写作显得过于枯燥,生拉硬拽 (The way better writing is always try focus reader can simply understand message without extra struggle)

常见问题 Q&A

  • 选择哪个角度最好呢? 没有哪个角度是绝对最好的,但应根据你的英文水平跟喜好选择适合自己的角度。例如如果词穷建议不要选择叙述过多 details aspects but simply go focus concise points topic instead avoid using plenty unnecessary sentences for describing details *** things complicated easy to confused instead using *** wording convey your messages.
  • 如何加入丰富的细节描写? 可以运用感官描写 (Sight 味道、touch 、 Smell )以及一些修辞方式 ( metaphors, similes), 增强文章的表现力 例如 : 月亮的清晖撒满了我的房间 The room feels bright in moonlight .。 The sweet filling is melting to slowly enjoy. Its delicious aroma hangs delicately a hint taste
  • 写完文章后,如何检查有没有错误? 仔细阅读一遍,尽可能自行发现错误,并可请懂英语、善于写作水平的朋友帮助检查和修改 (if needed).


