如何写一篇关于如何打扫房间的英语作文? 先列出步骤,用英文描述,再补充一些常用的词汇,最后润色成一篇完整的作文即可!
储 备 单 词 与 词 组 (Vocabulary & Phrases)
- clean: 清洁
- tidy: 然而整齐的
- dust: 除尘
- vacuum: 用吸尘器清理
- sweep: 扫地
- mop: 拖地
- wash: 洗涤
- make the bed: 整理床铺
- put away: 收拾,放好
- throw away: 扔掉
- organize: 整理,归置
- discarded: 丢弃的,廢棄的
举例:清理电脑前的书桌: I cleaned
my desk by dusting
it off and puting awa
y discarded
/ scattered papers.
打扫房间步骤说明 (Steps for Cleaning Your Room)
1. 第一步:Clear the Clutter (整理杂物)
这项步奏十分清晰: 从衣服、书籍到杂物要先收拾东西。“Clear your space!”, 要明确地对读写说明所做的事项.。第一步最重要的是去除不需要的东西 举例: 例: “Start by picking up clothes , remove and throw' unnecessary items
,or simply tidy, organize papers books and anything scattered”. 收拾不掉的放在一边进行第二步:分类
2. 第二步: Dust, Vacuuming and Sweeping/Moping (除尘,吸尘和地面清理-用你习惯地英语单子列)
先除去浮尘。再吸尘打扫地面 , 记住拖把需分开不同的用途: 例子:Start ‘dusting shelves, move to table tops before taking turn
vacuum cleaner/ ‘Moping
. Use differnt mopes if surfaces requires: example : bathroom's mop different from rest od floors’s Mop to best results..
3. 第三 步 : Laundry(衣物/被褥清洗-同样,需要单立细节分开清洗衣服、替换床表以及毯子等的)
这其实相当一部分独立的一章,建议分开列出每一步如何做(例如处理分类、清洗步骤再放入,晾干)-在结尾可以加上总结句:Make the room refreshing! : I love my well prepared rooms ! ; 整理干净!我喜欢我井然有序地房间
4. 最后一步. Putting Everything Back(收尾与摆放): The Finished Product
收尾,把东西归置好到他原本所在的那里;收起换衣 物。重新摆好已经整理好的床。“Put the pillows.blankete,sheets orderly so your makes a great comfortable-sleeping-zone!”,摆放整洁才能突出整理的成效。例如,衣物、放在其所在抽屉;书籍放在隔楼。把所有一切都做好!
Let's start by tidying up the floors. First I'll sweep , then cleaning, so using to vacuum
is essential , and I end often with ‘ ‘mop the surfaces , because vacuuming alone wont' do it . Then before placing things on the top shelves and surfaces again, dust gently’ using damp wipes . Next I always turn start ,
putting discarded papers `, things away clothes - *** my work top look ,and also this applies to table tops ‘desk’, the night , stand,.This include my dressing -table and ,so for my books and inappropriate , scattered stuff lying nearby as I do tidy any drawers that my laundry usually occupies before organizing my wardrobe ‘closets’ neatly..*** beds in neatly – after bed sheets laundry cleaning, are replaced’ *** rooms cleaner by itself。The ti***d surfaces bring freshness, which gives you self fulfillment of better, cleaned homes in a comforting atmosphere..
常见问题解答 (FAQ)
常见问题 1: 写作文时需要多长?
解答: 这主要取决于要求,建议开头写过程写几个主要清理关键性的步凑就Ok!
常见问题 2: 能否用到一些高级的词汇?
解答: 这并不必须,清晰易懂最重要。 简单的词汇能让你避免语法错误!
常见问题 3: 怎样才能让 my essay 更吸引人?
结果答案就是增加图片或视频等信息元素! 一个包含有插图细节图片展示内容结构以及步骤的作文更令人感兴趣 -用例子:比如: 你喜欢打扫床铺你可以简单画简图进行一个演示..