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地震该如何自救 英语?地震自救英语速成指南:关键时刻救命的方法和表达!

地震发生时,采取 Drop, Cover, and Hold On(下蹲、掩护、抓住)是最关键的自救措施。(This is the most crucial self-aid instruction in an Earthquake.) 具体行动是立即下蹲、寻找遮蔽物把自己捂好,抓住牢固的物件!

地震发生时的应对策略 (Earthquake Response Strategies)

1. "Drop, Cover, and Hold On"

  • Drop (下蹲): 立刻下蹲在地面,护住头部并靠近结实的内墙或家具 ( Drop to the ground; immediately shield your head and get underneath interior, strong structural walls or sturdy objects) 。避免站在门板下方的通道中 (Do not stand in a doorway). 不要跑到门外。(Do not try and rush to go outside.) 例: 当震动开始摇晃, 我立即下蹲靠近厨房角落。(When the shaking started, I instantly Dropped under strong cabinets inside kitchen,near corner).

  • Cover (掩护): 寻找安全的蔽护物,例如:坚实的桌子底下 (look around yourself. Find your nearest safe shelters or furniture that have strength .Example: Sturdy desks.),结识的墙壁。 避免受伤 (Avoid items in the way to get injury.),尽可能防止头顶重物坠落。 例:我迅速地钻到桌子底下,(Quickly seek for cover such as furniture -I ducked under desks as fastest).

用自己身上的物件(厚实毯子,夹克,枕头 ),掩护头部 (Also use personal protection such equipment like thick cloth/Jackets/Pillow,)

  • Hold On (保持): 抓紧你的遮蔽物一直等到晃动停止 。(Maintain your support structure.Hold furniture tight enough while ground continuing motion..Until ground moving stops). 例: 我牢牢抓住桌子桌子避免自己被甩出去。(Hold tightly to hold up the table's grip strength to secure that will last..to not easily shake you out.)

2. 在户外 如何自救 (If caught outdoors)

立刻在室外尋找開闊的地方, 远离建筑物, 街道 灯柱。( Find open space at once; Run, and seek shelters outdoors in that time that prevent buildings damages from earthquake). 注意躲避坠落的物品。(Be watchful, avoid dropping buildings objects debris into collision that come near to you)。避免跑到或躲进房屋等狭窄拥堵容易垮塌建筑物。(Avoid running and/or refuge inside a close cramped buildings high-damage possibilities easily damaged). 例 :地震来临时我远离建筑物,发现避来到一块比较旷阔的草坪。(In my earthquake-experienced days after occurrence my emergency safety-self protected from big damages.Because my place ran so near the field.)

3. 在汽车里如何自救( If travel within motor vehicle to outside way)

立即安全开车并稳当紧急在安全的路面附近停放 (Immediately maintain yourself at drive seat properly ;stop smoothly and in securely places on near open to large areas safely), 打开安全帽拉下安全系统 (Open safety equipment with buckles/belt safely) ,留在车内 (Remain inside vehicles until motion motion-free). 等待紧急反应人员出现(Wait for rescu staffs.In emergency response assistance rescue arrival timing ).不要慌张 (Don't panic, safety remains highly considered).

例:(After sensing Earthquake start a serious danger to immediate impact in areas soon soon.I immediately moved car that found very closely accessible to road so I stopped fast and slowly pull in over until cars completely slow slowly and steadily into place completely.)

这部分我们学了许多应对措施!(There above we looked many of methods we take to safety !Safety First..This important lesson in mind for good habit.)

地震 自救常用口语 (Common Phrases For Earthquake Self-Rescue)

  • 地震来了!(Earthquake!)
  • 需要帮助!( I Need Help! )
  • 有人受伤吗?(Is Any injured or People got hurt?)
  • *我能帮忙/我可以提供帮助!(I Can Help or I help anyone needs me for assist/providing support)!*
  • 保持 calma( 保持冷静 keep calm.
  • 保护好孩子,(Protect all the precious children from damages happen)

常见疑问 (FAQ)

Q: 地震后去哪里找安全场所? (Q:. Where you are need security after quake shaking event occurs at places ?)

A : 地震后,你应该去预先设定的安全地带或由地方授权避震救灾临时安排地区 。(After experiencing any types of earthquake, your should to pre-design any secured designated at nearby secured area/or those location place officials arrange.)

记住不要呆在容易崩塌或被毁的地方。Avoid Damaged any possible things around.( Be aware of broken structures and areas or any chances potential collapsed dangers anywhere any region location.) Avoid building areas unless the situation safer if have a shelters to safe for protect well.Be wise!

Q:如果被埋在地底下,(If under ground stuck situation occurs) 怎么办呢 (After How to emergency ?)

A: 保持冷静。呼救。保存体力等急转机或外界前来紧急求难时会帮助你自己!( Stay to Calm your conditions while feeling down from disasters.Keep a shouting at call outs for anyone hears any signal;Be patience of support that keep you alive of possible rescuing event come into situation time ).

记住地震的自救关键在于快速反应! (Remember the quick safety is reaction' for Earthquakes in order is possible be able)

