如何写好关于锻炼身体的英语作文? 文章开头便提供一个简单的写作框架:开头明确主题— 充分细述运动类型及益处 — 总结运动带来的正面改变!
选择一个你熟悉并喜欢的运动是关键。 如果你喜欢游泳,就写游泳;喜欢跑步,就写跑步。 这样你才能有更丰富的细节描写,文章也更容易写得生动有趣。 例如:
- 游泳: 你可以描写你在水中自由自在的感觉,克服困难学会各种泳姿的过程,以及游泳带给你的体力提升。 例如"I learned freestyle swimming, initially struggling for breath, yet persistence led me to conquering longer distances with better stamina."
- 跑步: 你可以详细描写你的跑步路线、克服懒惰的心理磨练自我的励志故事、以及跑步带给你的轻松和舒畅。 例如"I started with short jogs in the local park, pushing limits day by day – achieving regular marathon running in merely six months of persistent pursuit"
- 瑜伽: 可以详细展现瑜伽动作如何增强你的柔顺性和毅力,比如战士一式增强力量,倒立式练习精准协调能力。 "I transformed stress into balance, overcoming several difficulties while reaching new postures through dedication.
这部分应是你文章的核心。除了身体益处,心理益处也最好提及。用具体例子来支持你的观点。 例如:
- 身体益处:“Regular exercise builds power, improving blood circulation enabling improved sleep and strengthening my immune system. Consequently feeling significantly more energised compared to previously tired and inactive days.” (规则的锻炼能增强体力,促进血液循环,改善睡眠并增强免疫力。结果是感觉精力比以前那些疲劳和活动不足的日子充沛得多。)
- 心理益处: “Participating improved focus leading subsequently to higher productivity within academic stu***s, significantly impacted through persistent engagement with this daily goal.” 我发现运动增强我的注意力,最终在我的学业上取得高成效。持续的坚持影响深远。)
在文章结尾,你应该总结锻炼对你身心带来的长期积极影响并重申你从这项运动中得到的启发。 你可以在回顾的过程中补充一些有力的语句比如"The challenges motivated me. Persistent endeavour enabled exceeding my body's capabilities. Overcoming limitation produced immense achievement rewarding commitment beyond comparison to earlier efforts"这个部分也可以用来再次阐述运动对生活的积极影响.
A:查阅描写动作的英文单词及其搭配,例如:"stretch", "lunge”, "sprint"和"cycle". 多朗读文章并留意优美的句式!
Q: 如何才能让英语作文更有趣?
A:使用vivid(生动的) and descriptive(描述性的) language (语言). 运用比喻,例如 “Sweat drenched my tshirt like heavy June rain hitting humid city lanes”。 试着告诉一个故事,分享个人体验等等让它更 engaging(引人入胜的)!