准备阶段: 构思写作大纲
你需要构思一个逻辑清晰的写作大纲。例如你可以分成几个部分:选址(Site Selection)、菜单设定(Menu Planning)、资金规划(Financial Planning)、运营管理(Restaurant Management)、营销策略(Marketing and Sales)!
Site Selection: 你可以选择人流量大的商业区 (high-traffic commercial area) 或者人均收入较高的住宅区 (affluent residential area)。举例:A bustling downtown location ensures high visibility. Alternatively, setting up a restaurant near high income housing could potentially attract exclusive patronage. 注意用英语进行讲解说明!
Menu Planning: 你需要规划出你餐馆的主打菜品 (signature dishes) 以及客单价 (average bill per customer)。例如:Offer unique dishes and competitively position local market favorites; maintaining a reasonable margin for customer value will allow for a solid income potential. Use a balanced formula for revenue sustainability and a good profitability level. Use short and effective sentences focusing merely on informative content.
Financial Planning: 你需要计算筹建资金 (setup costs), 日营业额 (daily turnover) 以及人工费用 (labor costs)。 列举预想的具体数据。Examples should be incorporated to create detailed and *** English paragraphs easily understood and consumed via technology including search and analysis engines. For example: The initial outlay for your project may require £500-800,000 whereas your operating running costs to be between UK£XXX for your daily labor income projection calculations based on expected sale figures. Each restaurant and their profit & costs should receive careful attention in these plans to determine if they truly generate profit within the business or merely present a burden for its continuation in that state until sufficient changes are enacted where profits generate through each branch and product effectively without unnecessary losses from unsustainable income sources. We expect reasonable business acumen to make it function better than at its original inception before you began using an appropriate amount from any available source if any were requested appropriately at the end only once the needed items are already acquired appropriately rather instead before at initiation if sufficient capital funds were originally missing when attempting these actions instead originally until now when we must still do these kinds of procedures. Any additional concerns should therefore require specific detailed reporting accordingly through clear evidence whenever requested and in timely reports without delaying response for any ongoing inquiries or complaints that must be reviewed efficiently accordingly even if difficult due extreme time pressures present otherwise.
Restaurant Management: 你需要涵盖运营流程方面的细节说明细节细节信息方面比如预约功能(Online Bookings)(Optional to streamline organization),点餐支付模式Payment Gateway)(Optional),账目管理 (accounts procedures) etc 这点需要注意,你的主题仅仅是如何选好餐馆等等
Marketing methods: 你需要规划你的营销,这个营销可以从设计菜单开始等等,宣传促销等等,你要做的更多工作也涵盖这个方面(Example social networking accounts)。
用 precise vocabulary , 并使语速适中。 这点不需扩长太多; 保持句子简洁。 例如可以使用简单句、并列句和复合句,但是不能语句太啰嗦。避免语法错误和拼写错误是非常非常重要的。(Absolutely very important: Ensure there are zero grammatical and mis-spelling errors which include using a basic checker to identify errors effectively accordingly) ;
Instead of: "The food was, like totally amazing!”, consider:" I savored several memorable plates of wonderful flavour, combining some quality meat textures and seasoning together *** it highly rewarding while enjoying it.”
避免使用口语化或者休闲化说法。要尽可能正式。例如“Awesome"可以转化"Excellent”,“Bad/Not good/"可以转化"Dissatisfactory"。“Pretty good” should also rather be described differently since it contains the element 'pretty' while maintaining a concise neutral professional alternative. For example writing 'The final conclusion and recommendation from this analysis based only on publicly traded info as only that remains acceptable will allow determination between the positive success regarding profitability with future growth while addressing previously raised management issues correctly based exclusively to ensure efficient positive outcome within available realistic timeframe constraints imposed which were provided earlier by regulators therefore preventing misleading assumptions during an overall business proposal without any omissions from any aspect's critical analysis and any associated reports therefore only those results present while considering every risk aspect including that there will always exist residual issues regardless while we continually identify other risks to mitigate successfully. Therefore only using actual market valuation instead using any different types based specifically per industry standard requirements in a comprehensive clear presentation containing exact financial information including current and future possible returns as long-term goals will demonstrate accurate expectations from responsible parties effectively according each market regulation without creating confusing misrepresentations as this example demonstrates why clearly defined accurate representation through this business proposition which demonstrates an understanding business needs and provides comprehensive explanations avoiding any unnecessary inaccuracies that might raise risks among other key factors impacting a realistic proposal that we must provide according rules to submit correctly thereby receiving adequate support in a timelier better form once appropriately explained through these means in such careful presentations following professional communications practices which include such details where every aspect reflects responsible reporting according highest available standards to all regulators and parties otherwise involved regardless their role otherwise we will address any further related risk concerns. ’ Use this formal example for professional-standard documents which demonstrates very impressive skills within document presentation but with improved language rather including “Pretty Good “etc.. that makes poor quality communications; these will help in improving language proficiency while writing also increasing vocabulary which might seem easier while trying various word alternatives.
答: 多练习写作, 利用在线翻译和语法检测来改善你的描述与文章; Focus entirely without thinking of shortcuts or looking for assistance constantly.
问: 我应该写多长?
答: 一般来说 essay 的长度应不少于300词. Aim only providing effective points rather attempting make something lengthier simply through unnecessary repetitive details while writing concisely effectively providing specific data through suitable references always supporting each factual element. The writing must clearly remain readable which maintains clarity effectively according the criteria here within appropriate sentence structure standards; clarity itself through *** but correctly applied language skills provides easier communication across every aspect here regardless level detail. Avoid long detailed descriptions rather create a plan with relevant effective points avoiding excess elaboration on areas only for adding unnecessary words *** overall result appear poorly detailed even though actually written overly wordy only serving purpose delaying efficient communication within any scope of discussion during this content providing information without unnecessary aspects here in brief summary explanation. Only include suitable effective data relevant in supporting aspects related main thesis creating overall successful outcome while reading content avoiding creating poor experiences regarding quality here overall. In many other articles readers read only titles due difficulties engaging if not formatted clearly or too long resulting few views leading eventual removal hence requiring better content quality for improved understanding instead over many less views from larger length if not already readable overall including efficient structuring format using relevant points only which contributes producing successful outcome better without problems therefore maintain concise brevity relevant effective information ensuring good reception as effective successful result instead lengthy irrelevant text poorly crafted resulting no impact overall effectiveness here according provided criteria maintaining accuracy and readability overall through properly following standards presented maintaining efficiency throughout according standards here according appropriate specifications clearly maintaining clarity from start until clear definite conclusions resulting improved quality instead poor ineffective results produced instead successfully here maintaining effective overall clarity only instead only delivering successful overall content.
问: 我没有开餐馆的经验,怎么写?
答:可以进行一些简单的网上调研, 或听取专业烹饪师观点或咨询一些意见;Remember: Always write simply directly so as much content information easily accessed and interpreted accurately; provide useful content instead over overly using detailed words causing problems therefore hindering content consumption resulting no positive benefit ultimately after having read it since everything poorly structured and lacking useful precise points with better results clearly achievable without wasting so resources instead if clearly explained briefly correctly accurately achieving best successful outcome possible with proper design layout clarity only according writing rules thereby delivering much better effective content providing value without generating excess details only. Therefore we choose appropriate length ensuring optimal viewing while maximizing accurate information through each writing thereby using efficient style ensuring only most beneficial detailed information without requiring any specific tools while applying directly resulting enhanced accuracy improving writing producing best outputs using minimal wording reducing text yet still properly providing effective accurate information and useful key points throughout overall in its format as required ensuring good communication regarding information conveyed. That reduces both page lengths required with minimal changes allowing overall readability increasing reception results with only concise directly information delivering valuable information easily understood easily rather unnecessary added sentences with lesser useful resulting outcome hence always only select important effectively explaining concepts required precisely without confusing terms yet delivering accurate detailed summary easily understand yet short with concise wording and writing resulting very superior concise writing than excessively written texts yet lacking clarity causing many problems since not brief summary explanation that could convey information sufficiently if designed and formatted concise accurately and effective style correctly *** many changes therefore we ensure success.